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A demonstration of Anicro Desapro using the avatar of NeoGAF's phantomile co..


A tiny demonstration of movement of a ball as it would appear at 30 frames per second on an interlaced display.  Half the time a solid image, half the time a mesh of the old image and the new image.


Same animation as it would appear at 60 frames per second on an interlaced display.  Smoother motion, but never a solid image since the halves never match.


And the best of both worlds, 60 frames per second progressive scan.  The smoother motion with none of the split image.


I think what I did was to take the GameRankings average scores for near-launch titles on Xbox, GameCube, and Xbox 360, then graph them in descending order.  The idea of this demonstration was to present a counterpoint to those saying X360's launch was significantly higher quality than past launches.


Yet another view of DS's share of the Japanese DS/PSP market.


Ganondorf + Dorf


A lighter sales chart, it's the battle for the bottom featuring original-model GBA and Xbox!


Haha.  This one was just me having some fun at PSP's expense.  I acted as if all DS sales that didn't take place in a December didn't exist, and it still beat out PSP.


Me showing off my badass Pac-Man hat.  Of course, the most common response was that I appeared to have herpes.