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2002-02-21 07:16:42

Sweet dreams are made of this, plastic and some chips and bits

Title comes from a hundredth-baked parody idea I've had floating around since elementary school. Last night had another wacky dream of going to some big gaming expo. I've done it before with last year's E3 (even if time was frozen in-dream) and Space World, and probably before that isn't coming to mind now. Anyway. I know I ran into several other people I know online there, though the only one who I clearly remember for sure is ICQ's Mike. Also Matt Cassamassina and Fran Mirabella from IGNCube, but that's different. My brain must've been feeling racist or something, because it made Fran into a Devil Fish-esque Italian. So I start out in like E3 2002's... attic. I go down, and see Sega's booth. Or maybe row of shelves would be a better term. I played DC Sonic Adventure 2, which I thought weird considering by then its an old game on a different platform. It was the first Sonic level, from the demo, but the character was some thin female type character who couldn't run, but instead charge some energy attack. Bad. I gave it up. Sega booth also had things like Saturn and Genesis around. With the Genesis I played the most kickass game I have EVER accidentally created in a dream state: Jaleno (rhymes with Jaleco). Basically, take Streets of Rage and make Jay Leno your player character. Awesome! Later I saw someone else going at a different type of stage, which seemed to alternate between a few still frames of a flying Jay near the bottom overlapping a normal movie, but where Jay would punch where the characters were as they passed. Brain, you rule sometimes for coming up with stuff like that! This totally makes up for the headache! I also found out some scary info on Eternal Darkness. Somehow I got to see the new preview trailer before the rest of the crowd. Note that in my dream the N64 version was released several months ago, with that assumed to be that. The new trailer confirmed a GameCube version would be coming soon, but also near the end a notice along the lines of "coming for Xbox the next quarter." Whoa! I tried to chase down Denis Dyack and ask for an explanation, but he totally evaded me and hid in a bathroom. I remember hoping to see the new Zelda and how it would connect to GBA, but no such luck unfortunately. I think most people thought where I was was boring, as they went to some secondary E3 building I couldn't get to, leaving mine mostly empty. I eventually joined a crowd in a narrow auditorium, where... miniature blow-up plastic arcade machine things lined the walls; they probably entered my dream via a few run-ins with a blow-up plastic rabbit recently, but anyway. I don't remember exactly what the presentation was about, but I think some employee of someone (Nintendo maybe?) had done some industrial espionage or something and it was being revealed. What a just pure fun dream. Current Mood: pleased Current Music: Computer Lab Multi-PC Hum <a>Original</a>