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2002-03-09 23:46:53

Saturday, Saturday, S-s-s-s-saturday!

Saturday now has two things I always try to catch on the ol' tube. MST3K, and Adult Swim. Problem is, they're on polar opposite ends of the day. So for much of both of them, I'm not fully alert. Fooha. On Adult Swim, I've now caught Jet Black's voice on Cowboy Bebop (of course), Outlaw Star, and tonight Gundam 0083. If he can find a way to squeeze himself into Pilot Candidate, that'd make a nice row of 4. Tetris Attack clone: So little so as to not count. The option for changin how high the initial random blocks start, and a few additions to If statements to lessen errors before play begins. Unsuccessfully searched for a good, standard file navigation/selection system, so I don't have to copy over the combination of drive list, directory list, and file list controls that I've used in my Peat and resampling programs. After getting so used to Samba de Inappropriate, listening to the song normally sounds very slow. Why did Leonard Nimoy sing? Shatner managed to break through the glass floor into that sort of level of cool, but Nimoy is just... Nimoy. He's much more suited to Seaman. Got IE6. Thus far, only noticeable difference the icons that turn up on pictures sometimes. Whee. Finished the first book in Illuminatus! Entertainment, confusion, a real head trip. Just what I was looking for. Pete of <a>Sluggy Freelance</a> beginning his first (planned) lengthy break from strip: 4 weeks-ish. Rest up, gov! Square/Nintendo seems 50% more believable today. More adjustment needed, though. Haiku time. Who would've thunk it? Square. GameCube. Unlimited? It has been too long. Leprosy > Win ME system resource management As opposed to an on/off switch, seems like the folks at <a>Portable Monopoly</a> will be including a dial. Being an options man, analog choice as opposed to digital seems a positive thing, though I have to wonder when I'll use 1/3 lit screen. Wacky Iron Chef PA quote of the day. "I don't sing scat, and if you mean that shit-eating thing I don't do that either." - Iron Chef NERV, 111:36 Rogue Leader: Silver on Triumph of the Empire. Super Mario World: Though not as flawlessly as with the first world, I and my Mongols totally ravaged the Donut levels. Stage completion number: 21. Current Mood: geeky Current Music: final fantasy 9 - You're Not Alone <a>Original</a>