LiveJournal 2002-03-31: Difference between revisions

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2002-03-30 23:51:19

Blast it!

There were actually a few more books I wish I would've grabbed yesterday, mostly for the weird factor. One appeared to be a sequel to E.T. The blurb talked about how once he got back to the "Green Planet" he missed the things he'd done on Earth, like getting drunk. What would he do about these problems? I will now not know. Also, Uncle Daddy. No clue at all what that book is about, but that's the kind of title I know pauses people for a second or two if they'd run across it upon a shelf. Outlaw Star's opening music and provided sub translation work well; pretty much the only I've seen (though that's not many) where it can conceivably fit well with the timing and not be too forced. I quote myself from March 10: "Finished the first book in Illuminatus!" Ehh, I was wrong. I did that today. I stupidly missed that there was a difference between the "part" splits and the "book" splits, though I thought at the time it seemed really early to be done with what should be about a third. The longass trip today gave me some good reading time. Speaking of that trip, everyone thought I was nuts for wearing shorts today. So my pants are dirty; sue me. Temperatures varied from 30-50 F while we were out, but I had the last laugh. For whatever reason, Aunt Janie and Uncle Paul had to have had a heater going strong, but also had fans going, so everyone else was burning up even more than I. Oho! I think it deserves a haiku: From mocked to envied Baking in the wint'ry spring Glad my pants were soiled <nowiki>*looks at <a <nowiki>href="">GameFAQs</a>'</nowiki> poll of the day*</nowiki></nowiki> It's about favorite FF VI character. I'm not here to push my preference on anyone, but Relm and Strago must be looked upon fairly poorly; they're being handily beaten by Umaro at present time. I see aunt Loretta "wrote" another <a>book</a>. Yesterday I put my long planned rebellion into action; I'd forgotten to last year. I ate a piece of Bible Bread ("The Original Fast Food!") that specifically stated "Not for Passover use". Take that, Rabbi! <a>Very close to mine, but mine isn't bite-sized.</a> FF VII: Today the video was fine. *shrug* Didn't have much time, but went through the flashback sequence and then did a bit o' fighting around Kalm so as to buy a few things. 7:08 Rogue: Skill enhancing. Current Mood: Early AM as always, so sleepy. <a>Original</a>