LiveJournal 2002-04-05: Difference between revisions

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2002-04-05 00:59:00 ET 2002-04-04 22:03:51 PT


I noticed <a>several</a> <a>different</a> <a>haiku</a> <a>communities</a>. I'll have to investigate more before deciding which I'd like to join, though. Relatedly, I never have worked on my "new style" much; maybe I oughtta think about that again. Something I'd really forgotten about, until searching for something in my ICQ messages history. As I wrote to Al on April 18, 2001... I have created a new literary style, to supplant my haiku work. Let's see if I can whip up something... generaloofraiolice splashinyes professionalogeek Basically, fudging things around a bit to force words to click together, forming new super words. Where went my new style? Haikus great, but not quite fresh. Could be important. stylettarrangements codecoderangements wordensintense It is much more difficult... -*-*-*- I didn't end up saying anything at the first fake city council meeting thing. A few times I had things to say, but they were well enough said by others, and the measure easily passed the way I and my role would have it, 3 for, 1 against, 1 abstaining. Since I missed on commenting it when he mentioned it was his new default, I'll say my piece on <a>Kouban</a>'s current default icon. With the symbols being meaningless to me, I decided to interpret them. On the left we appear to have a broken chip clip hovering over a poorly designed gun. The right is much funner; that is SO a pompous duck in a caped outfit... nothing like Darkwing Duck, though, this duck would fit in with Marth and Roy. Something I haven't done much of in many, many years (at least not recent enough to consider proto-me representative of present-me), but I want to write a short story. I've before made mention of how some ideas I have seem Kilgore Trout-ish, so why not play them out, and make someone think about it for more than two sentences? Tales of Phantasia: Another half hour, fighting in deep Moria. <a>Original</a>