My game character names: Difference between revisions

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Dragon Quest 1 GBC

Hiro.  Simple name pun, worked with the 4 letter limit.

Dragon Quest 2 GBC

Yuki.  For lack of anything better, took the name Hiroyuki and cut off the part I'd already used.

Dragon Quest 3 GBC

Saki.  Continuing with the theme, I decided to use as much as possible of Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai's last name.

Dragon Quest 4 NES

Gordon.  With an unrelated game story came an unrelated name.  Gordon means "round hill", but why I thought it appropriate for the hero's name, search me.

Dragon Quest 5 SNES

Elliot.  As the names for DQ 1-3 connected, so I decided to do the same between 4 and 5, so Gordon Elliott was the inspiration.

Dragon Quest 6 SNES

Shumway.  Well, Gordon Elliott didn't leave much room for growth, and I couldn't find his middle name, so I took Gordon in another direction.  That's Gordon Shumway of Melmac, also known as Alf.