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[[The Daily Show]]

[[The Daily Show 2007]]
[[The Daily Show 2007]]
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'''05-05''': A Charlie Brown Gas Tax Holiday
These political advertisers... wow, such scum!
Stephen renounces Jon as his pastor.
'''05-06''': [[R. Kelly]] impersonator is back!
The Pollies are great.
[[Fareed Zakaria]].  And why not.
'''05-07''': McCain makes a much better talk show guest than presidential candidate.
'''05-08''': Lewis Black on stimulus: "I wonder what I can invade for $600."
'''05-12''': If this interview with ex-Undersecretary of Defense [[Doug Feith]] were being covered on The Daily Show, I think their graphic would say "Feith Club".
'''05-13''': Mind of Scalia... that <u>would</u> probably be better.
Indecisionski 08avich
'''05-14''': [[Chris Matthews]] vs [[Terry McAuliffe]]: West Virginia Douche Off
'''05-15''': Golf War.
Great Republican/depressant ad.
'''05-27''': Airing a bit late, but [[Riggle|Rob Riggle]] in [[Indiana]] for the primary... Including [[Wabash|Wabash, Indiana]]!?
'''05-28''': Oh, John McCain buttocks watercoloring.
Obama's running mate... himself in a fat suit.
'''05-29''': Riggle on paternity leave, congrats! &nbsp;Also, he joined the Marines to fight fire monsters.
'''06-02''': Ahaha. &nbsp;The B-52s's [[Fred Schneider]] reading [[McClellan|Scott McClellan]]'s book.
DNC R&amp;B; committee: MI FL Hunters
'''06-03''': SURPRISE! McAuliffe. &nbsp;He has become slef-parody.
[[Wyatt Cenac]], eh?
'''06-04''': Barack Hussein Napoleon Pol Pot Obama.
The Lincoln time travel effect reminds me of the Lavos battle background.
'''06-05''': [[Mcain|John McCain]] earning a &quot;My son, the doctor&quot; at AIPAC.
'''06-09''': Nice CG man-eating plant.
'''06-10''': Gitmo: Least popular [[Sesame Street]] muppet ever.
Ahaha. &nbsp;Enhanced Makeover for a Guantanamo cell.
&quot;It was amazing. &nbsp;I couldn't believe it was the same cell. &nbsp;What homosexual did this? &nbsp;Death to him.&quot;
'''06-11''': Hey, the fake Obama ad!
'''06-12''': [[Rob Corddry|Corddry]]! &nbsp;In Slovenia!
'''06-16''': Baracknophobia: The irrational fear of hope.
'''06-17''': Stewart not concerned with gays marrying... but for a child with two Jewish mothers.
John Oliver married a dude to work around visa troubles. Jason Jones!? &nbsp;The married Canadian marrying John for a similar reason.
'''06-18''': Midwest flooding proves &quot;George Bush doesn't care about white people.&quot;
Gore's speech compared to both &quot;[[Plan Nine From Outer Space|Plan Nine]]&quot; and [[Jeff Foxworthy]].
Little Steve Carell.
Hahaha. &nbsp;Steve trying to buy the program.
Colbert is king of crosswords with &quot;truthiness&quot;.
'''06-19''': Gitmo is back! &nbsp;Senior Imprisoned Correspondent.
More &quot;The Decider&quot;!
'''06-23''': Stewart is writing a movie where McCain is elected Preisdent, but Michelle Obama is elected First Lady: Commander in Briefs. &nbsp;It will be shown four times a day on Comedy Central.
'''06-24''': Jon Stewart at Enchantment Under the Sea.
Ahahaha, Fetus Pong.
'''06-25''': Dobson... what a dick.
Then a load of Coldplay.
'''06-26''': Color chart for evil.
Red: Axis of Evil
Orange: Contingent of Meanies
Yellow: League of Jerks
Blue: Gaggle of Douchebags
Green: Sisterhood of Traveling Dictators
Oh no, Obama, not you with the magic wand too.
'''07-14''': On candidates: They can't be everywhere at once. &nbsp;&quot;They're not [[Mario Lopez]], for God's sakes!&quot;
Iran Rickroll!
'''07-15''': &quot;If you were to stack up the million people on the terrorist watch list... that would be considered a valid interrogation technique.&quot;
'''07-16''': &quot;One is a glass half full guy, and the other is an <u>expert on the economy</u>.&quot;
'''07-17''': Hahaha, [[Lou Dobbs|Dobbs]]-o-meter.
Ahahaha, bringing a &quot;cougar&quot; on the show.
Man who dates younger women = [[Orville Redenbacher|Redenbacher]].
'''07-21''': [[Ed Helms]]! &nbsp;In Iraq with the gang. &nbsp;For boner jokes.
'''07-22''': TOTAL (lack of) RECALL
Surprise O'Reilly!
'''07-23''': [[Robert Novak]] is filled with the cure for the cure for caner.
McCain Quest: The Search for Attention
'''07-24''': [[Adolf Hitler|Hitler]] is Germany's [[Kevin Bacon]].
'''07-28''': New segment, Red State vs Blue State with Riggle & Oliver.
'''07-29''': National Association of Your Pants Not Falling Down
Rappers = Republican Congressmen
'''07-30''': Oh, Sodomy Hussein.
CNN's John Roberts was a MuchMusic VJ?!
'''07-31''': [[Brian Williams]], on for the 7000th time.
Stewart-as-McCain lays a golden egg.
Awesome news team promo. &nbsp;Other networks best run!
'''08-04''': Damn, that's a lot of metaphorical cards.
Ahaha, Jason Jones is the Race Genie.
Denny's Totally Awesomely Radical Bucket of Mayonnaise & Cheese (Because We're Actually Trying to Kill You)
'''08-05''': Wii Protest
President Bush has a thirst for international knowledge... or is a drug mule.
[[Fareed Zakaria|Fareed]]!
Ahaha, Sam with the only in-uteral election center.
'''08-06''': Words to avoid for McCain: contraption, sarsaparilla, whipper-snapper, negro league, daguerreotype, telegraph, dagnabbit, fossil.
'''08-07''': Rob Riggle: Alpha Reporter.
'''08-11''': On Bush: &quot;He shouldn't be our president, he should be our mascot.&quot;
Oh, poor gaffey Riggle.
'''08-12''': &quot;in Europe&quot; = &quot;in bed&quot; for foreign policy.
Weird combination of Riggle really in China and fakely in China this week.
'''08-13''': Stewart refers to the young as &quot;post-[[Ghostbusters II]]&quot;.
China: &quot;Authoritarian? &nbsp;More like authoritawesome!&quot;
'''08-14''': Phelps is Aquaman.
'''08-26''': DNC in Colorado as a beer ad.
Child psychology for crazy PUMAs.
'''08-27''': Ahaha. &nbsp;Sam Bee as Hillary, Wyatt as Barack.
'''08-28''': Joe Biden, Beau Biden, Banana Fana Fo Biden.
&quot;Every time Barack Obama speaks, an angle has an orgasm.&quot;
'''08-29''': Fireworks = Mile High Stadium ejaculation.
Pre-acceptance speed tailgating.
'''09-02''': &quot;Minneapolis is the [[Danny DeVito]] to St. Paul's [[Arnold Schwarzenegger|Schwarzenegger]].&quot;
Xcel Center as post-Katrina Superdome... awesome.
Brian Williams... again.
'''09-03''': More [[Sylvester Stallone|Stallone]].
More Daily Show News Team coverage of the [[Larry Craig]] bathroom.
&quot;Guantanamo Bay isn't a prison, it's a leadership academy.&quot;
Great piece on Fox News hypocrites.
'''09-04''': Pro... decision Republicans.
'''09-05''': Jeeezus, Bush & McCain separated by 8 years, but not much else.
John McCain: Reformed Maverick
'''09-15''': Jason Jones in Daily Show Nights... beating up [[Larry King]].
'''09-16''': Nice &quot;Crash of the Titans&quot; image. &nbsp;Medusa with snakey arrows.
Ahaha, balded Aasif. &nbsp;Can't financially analyze with hair.
'''09-17''': Singing correspondents.
Drilli Vanilli?
'''09-18''': Acknowledging economic trouble is bad, working like the Wile E. Coyote theory of gravity.
[[Tony Blair]]!?
'''09-23''': Economic problems: the turd icing on this administration's shitcake.
'''09-24''': Lack of access to [[Sarah Palin|Palin]] proves her a successor to [[Dick Cheney|Cheney]].
'''09-25''': Clusterf#@k to the Poor House.
John McCain: The only man who can impulsively overreact to something ten days old.
'''09-29''': 2 candidates 1 cup... yuck idea, Jon.
John Oliver... pundit who happens to be a Nazi.
'''09-30''': Angry-at-ineffectual-Congress Jon!
[[Karl Rove|ROVE]] complaining about hyperpartisanship?
'''10-01''': Couric & Palin in... Gams and Gammer.
'''10-02''': Jon is confident in Palin due to... [[Bronson Pinchot]]'s trapeze skills.
'''10-06''': Jones goes to Wasilla.
'''10-07''': Oh, stupid voters.
Stephen with a &quot;You likea da juice?&quot;!
'''10-08''': [[Michelle Obama|Mrs. O]] seems much more comfortable than months ago on [[The Colbert Report 2008|Colbert]].
[[The Daily Show 2009]]
[[Category:The Daily Show Seasons]]