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[[Doctor Who Series 2]]
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13: '''Last of the Time Lords''' [[2007]] [[October 5]]
(First watched 2007-10-05)  Iiiiiii was not expecting to see "One Year Later" on screen.  However, I was then immediately prepared for the eventuality of the reset button, though at least the characters that matter most to us retain their experiences.
Doctor artificially aged in CG... so weird.  Who knew that Time Lords grew up to be house elves?
So The Master didn't regenerate... or at least so The Doctor is lead to believe.  Someone certainly was digging through his pyre, which I'm sure is their out for when he eventually returns.  Too bad it can't (probably) be the same actor, though; as I said for the previous two episodes I enjoyed his performance.
So those ball things... were the humans from the end of the universe?  So so wrong, Master.  But now that things were set back, and they were never released from a rip thingy, is the end of humanity really just to remain in a mechanical limbo state, never to be released?
So Jack Harkness is also maybe... the Face of Boe?  Get out of town.  Certainly they didn't make it 100% certain, and considering he's not just a throwaway character they can certainly write him a different fate if they wish, but that's a pretty awesome maybe, and makes some sense with what little we know about the Face.
So Martha Jones is out... at least for now.  I wasn't expecting that, but considering I'd run across information about her being around for a few episodes of [[Torchwood Series 2]], that makes enough sense.
So... the Titanic, eh?  I'm really enjoying this new thing of ending the series on a "What?  What?  WHAT!?" note.
[[Doctor Who Series 4]]