Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 2: Difference between revisions

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218: '''Up the Long Ladder''' ''[[1989]] [[May 22]]''
218: '''Up the Long Ladder''' ''[[1989]] [[May 22]]''
This episode is just full of dumb overreactions and solutions to dumb invented problems. Adding new DNA to the society won't help because the cloning will just run into a problem in another 15 generations? Errr, so? A solution that works hundreds of years at a time without intervention is still a pretty damn good long-term solution. It's not like they were all going to die out in the next month, so I'm sure they could've found at least another 5 people out of however many billions or trillions are in the Federation who are willing to donate some cells. Forcing the fusion of the two disparate colonies was needless. Also needless: killing what appeared to be nearly fully grown clones. The prime minister and Riker shout at each other "Murderer!" "No, you're a thief!" Can't it be both?
Mr. Drunkie used the word "blatherskyte". This may be the only time I've heard that used outside of [[DuckTales]].


219: '''Manhunt''' ''[[1989]] [[June 19]]''
219: '''Manhunt''' ''[[1989]] [[June 19]]''
Ahahaha. It's great to see how Lwaxana can get to Picard even more than Q can. Also how Picard uses Data to deflect her. When the scene shifts back to her quarters and Data is doing a 24th century Powerpoint presentation, it is The Best.
I can see how someone would be annoyed at this episode if they were solidly in the mood for sci-fi, but I laughed at it more than any episode yet.
