Doctor Who old recommendations

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Season 1

An Unearthly Child: The first episode establishing the characters and TARDIS is pretty must-see.  The following three episodes with cavemen, not so much.

The Daleks: Of course, the first appearance of the Daleks.  Interesting in that regard, but it IS spread out over 7 episodes.

The Edge of Destruction: Bottle episode, easily skippable.

Marco Polo: In general I find the historical episodes skippable, including this one.  7 episodes, all missing/reconstructed.

The Keys of Marinus: This one seems generally unpopular, but I like it. It's a connected story but each episode has a standalone quality, so it feels much faster-paced than usual.

The Aztecs: More historical.

The Sensorites: Back to a future episode, though not really a standout.

The Reign of Terror: More historical, now in revolutionary France.

Season 2

Planet of Giants: I like this one.  Their first trip back to the then-present, but for goofy sci-fi reasons they're tiny.  For this show's budget, I think it's pulled off well enough.

The Dalek Invasion of Earth: We saw the Daleks last season, but here's really the Daleks we come to know as a universe-terrorizing force.  Also features the first leaving of a companion.  Recommended.

The Rescue: Nothing big, just a short serial as an excuse to pick up a replacement companion.

The Romans: Another historical.

The Web Planet: This one seems to get love, but the things like people in bee costumes are just TOO 60s for me to take seriously at all.

The Crusade: Another historical.

The Space Museum: A planet-sized museum, a bit of time travel weirdness, pretty good stuff.

The Chase: Another Dalek one that's pretty interesting, though this one is less cohesive and more a series of stops while being chased.  Last of the original companions leave.

The Time Meddler: In the past, but not a straight historical.  Though the name "Time Lord" hasn't been created yet, for the first time we see another traveler from the Doctor's people.

Season 3

Galaxy 4: There are robots that remind me of Roombas. That's about as much excitement as I can recall.

Mission to the Unknown: This is more a prelude to an upcoming serial, with none of the regulars appearing.

The Myth Makers: Another historical, this time getting involved with the Trojan War.

The Daleks' Master Plan: Interesting, but at 12 parts it seems to go on forever, and I don't like it as much as the Dalen Invasion of Earth anyway.

The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve: Another historical.

The Ark: Now here's a good one.  It takes place in the future and mostly on a spaceship, and there's the unusual matter of a big time jump in the middle of a story that progresses the story by generations.

The Gunfighters: Another "historical" that's mostly based on non-historical popular history of the Old West. Kind of funny to see a cheap 60s British western, but skippable.

The Savages: Another future episode, doesn't stand out much on the whole.

The War Machines: Here's a good one. Their first trip to the present at normal size, and the first time the Doctor becomes directly involved with the local authorities in trying to prevent disaster.

Season 4

The Smugglers: Another historical, dealing with pirates but taking place on land.

The Tenth Planet: The first Cybermen episode, taking place in the future!  That is, 1986.  The other major thing is that it ends with the first regeneration.

The Power of the Daleks: Good Dalek goings-on and the weirdeness of the Second Doctor and what his companions make of the change.  Unfortunately, all episodes missing/reconstructed.  It should be noted that as a rule MOST of the Second Doctor's episodes are actually missing/reconstructed.

The Highlanders: The last of the historicals.

The Underwater Menace: Nothing outstanding.

The Moonbase: I like this one.  The Cybermen have changed a bit for their second appearance, and so has the Doctor, so it plays out very differently than the last time.  Half the episodes missing/reconstructed.