Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1

SPOILERS TOTAL. You've been warned.

201: The Broken Circle 2023 June 15

(First watched 2023-06-15) Seems like a bold choice to start the season with an episode almost entirely absent Pike. I wonder if next week we see what he is up to during this time?

Definitely pulling some Star Trek III vibes with running away with the Enterprise to help another crewmember. Maybe a bit TOO much.

I... really dislike the bad guys in this episode. There are lots of bad folks in Star Trek, but "reignite a war that was killing tens of millions, to take the price of our goods from High to Really High" is insane in the amount of collateral damage done to give themselves excess wealth.

202: Ad Astra per Aspera 2023 June 22

(First watched 2023-06-22) Well, Pike's adventures during the time frame of the last episode only covered a few minutes, so not exactly what I guessed.

All the regulars were here, but... most of them spent most of their time watching a trial on TV, which felt pretty unusual.

We know the prohibitions against genetic engineering remain to the late 24th century at least so this trial wasn't going to cause some sea change. But "Una gets off by having Starfleet grant Asylum from the Federation" seems like a really damn narrow loophole.

203: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow 2023 June 29

(First watched 2023-06-29) Son of a bitch. At the end of Picard season 2 I thought it was pretty dumb that they were retconning Khan to be several decades later than the 90s... and here that is explained away. I'm still not totally on board with the decision, but the ability to provide an in-universe explanation for such a thing in a totally separate branch is kind of the beauty of a megafranchise.

There are probably more connections to Picard season 2 that really eagle-eyed people like Jorg will notice but that went by me. Like... logos or wording or something that would be familiar from Bob Soong. This is also I'm almost certain the closest we've seen Star Trek do two "trip to the near-present" episodes, with Picard season 2 being just over a year ago.

The rest of the episode worked well enough. With it being set up very early on that Kirk was from a timeline that shouldn't be, I had a pretty strong feeling he would have an "Edith Keeler moment". Close enough.

So after two episodes with a large amount of ~alternate reality versions of James Kirk, we finally see the real deal very briefly at the end.

204: Among the Lotus Eaters 2023 July 6

(First watched 2023-07-06) Watch enough sci-fi TV, you're gonna see a few "lost our memory" episodes. This one did enough its own way to not just feel like retread. The lower class essentially having no long-term memory but being convinced that's a good thing, with a system of symbols to keep track of where they live. Closely following Ortegas, getting a front-row seat to how a confused person on a starship ends up in their quarters and ends up back out of their quarters realizing they have to act even if they don't know exactly what they're doing.

Revisiting Rigel VII is interesting. A few years back we saw Talos IV, and here we see another planet from the early Pike era that ~60 years ago was just viewed as a short memory. They kept the style reasonably similar, though the building we saw was much larger. And the native warriors less... animalistic?

A low level Enterprise crew member being lost and contaminating the local population is a lot like the backstory to one of the better Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 episodes.

Pike's bending of the Prime Directive this time was... a pretty big bend. "An asteroid influencing the culture can't count as its natural evolution". Come on, that's bullshit. That's... literally nature! Can they go around beaming people from deserts to oases without anyone calling foul?

205: Charades 2023 July 13

(First watched 2023-07-13) People having part of themselves suppressed, or even split into multiple aspects, is something with plenty of precedent in Star Trek and science fiction in general. At first I was a bit disappointed in how it was handled with Spock, since repeatedly over the years (including in this episode) we've heard that Vulcans have strong emotions. So wouldn't a more human Spock have weaker emotions but with his full Vulcan upbringing still in place to help him suppress them? But I felt it was sufficiently handwaved away by saying that the fully human emotions were different than what he was used to and thus hard to come to terms with. In time perhaps he could have suppressed them.

Though I'll still say the science of having the weird aliens make a human Spock is probably pretty borked. All of us are combinations of our parents and their parents and so on. It's not like Spock literally had Vulcan parts and human parts taped together. And if somehow they could remove the Vulcan parts, wouldn't he end up some sort of incomplete inbred clone of his mother?

T'Pring's parents were a pretty humorous addition. And after coming up occasionally in Enterprise, it was funny to have the Vulcan nasal suppressants come back into play.

206: Episode name 2023 MMMM D

207: Episode name 2023 MMMM D

208: Episode name 2023 MMMM D

209: Episode name 2023 MMMM D

210: Episode name 2023 MMMM D

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3