Wii controls for non-Wii games
A common complaint against Wii's controllers is that while it adds new possibilities, it's also lacking buttons. This is true. However, I think most games could make a direct transition pretty well, even with waggle/pointing mostly being ignored. Unless otherwise stated, these controls assume a Wiimote+nunchuk combination.
-Super Mario 64, N64 in general
This button arrangement would work pretty well with most N64 games that used the standard middle-right setup.
||Action|N64 control|Wii control
Movement|Control stick|Control stick
Punch, etc.|B|B
Crouch, etc.|Z|Z
Camera positioning|C buttons|D-pad
Camera mode shift|R|C
-Final Fantasy VII, FFs in general
Though different, most FFs controlled similarly enough that this would work well enough for anything through Final Fantasy X.
||Action|PS1 control|Wii control
Movement|D-pad|Control stick
Talk, select, etc.|O|A
Camera control|L1/R1/L2/R2|D-pad
Switch map displays|Start|Select
Pause|Start|Home button
Cursor movement|D-pad|Control stick or pointer
Shift through characters|L1/R1|D-pad
Run from battle|L1 + R1|1+2? C + -?
Pause|Start|Home button
Much of the menu could be done in a click & drag style.||