LiveJournal 2002-03-24

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2002-03-24 02:09:00

Day 2, Part 2

A few weeks ago my plan to ease tension between the bookends of my Saturday TV watching failed. An attempted nap instead amounted to sitting around in bed for an hour or two, and then just being groggy during beginning Adult Swim. Today, though, was a smashing success; almost too much. I induced napture at 6-ish, and at 9-ish awoke for a minute or so. Of course, at that point I'd totally forgot my plan, but I knew I was forgetting something. "Oh well", thought I, and so goes the lazing brain. Were it not for my bro and ma checking in on me around 10:30, I probably would've slept on until the wee hours of the morning. Once again I must admit impressedness at my brother's reading of me. My mom was all "Are you feeling okay?", but my brother was like "He's probably doing it so he can stay up for his cartoons." Or something semi-like that; still 3/4 asleep was I. But hey, it worked out. More experienced bespectacleds: though wiping off the glasses usually tends to go well, little crud tends to accumulate near the sides, hard to get at. What ya suggest? Old toothbrush or something? Sometimes it almost IS like the universe is playing a joke on you. Or maybe that's just another way to say "Man, that was stupid." I pulled out a near-empty box of Fake Coke from the fridge, not aware that the other end was open, too. It fell to the ground, with only a split second movement on my foot's part making it not cause me pain. Still too pleased with myself, I went to pour the drink into a glass, only to earn myself a fistfull of froth. I noticed tonight that Hajime Yadate is not only involved with Bebop and Gundam, but Outlaw Star as well. Exactly overlapping Jet Black's voice trails. Coincidence? They're still missing from the other half of the shows. Speaking of <a>The Other Half</a>, whose idea was it to give Dick Clark, Danny Bonaduce, and <a>Slater</a> a daytime show? And while looking for a picture, I ran across another nice <a>example</a> of crapitude. During Outlaw Star, a few things struck me as slightly FF VII-esque, making me want to play it again. Which really makes me want to finish up getting FF VIII finished, because I'll never get back to it if I start FF VII up. Perhaps tomorrow I'll ask a FAQ to help tell me what I did so wrong this last time in battle. Whenever I start FF VII, it will have to be late night. It's part tradition for me, and part just right. Old coldjones had discussions before about games being better at certain times of year, but I don't remember time of day being brought up too much. The VERY first time I played FF VII, it probably was earlier in the day... but it was in this basement, with the only illumination being from the screen I was playing FF VII on, while my uncle (who's VII copy and PSX I was using) was playing emulated FF V. Good day. Still, dark, which I think is a key thing. The second time I played FF VII... well, I was to borrow Chad's PSX, and the rest of the fam was going to go camping for a few days, while I'd engorge in VII. Misunderstandings of the day's events and timings led to me being told I could not stay home, though. To put my mood mildly, FEH! So I go to sleep upset ~11 PM Thursday night. I end up waking at 1 AM or so, though. Go play FF VII, and get out of Midgar before heading to school. Though time of day isn't easily told, Midgar's... eternal darkness... works better for me when it's legitly dark out as well; the events just feel like they should transpire in the wee hours. Fake Q-Tip makers: get with the program! If one cannot apply enough force to get the tough wax out without bending the shaft, it does not work. It's like a rope crowbar. <nowiki>*Reads GIA's <a <nowiki>href="">Mojib Ribbon preview</a>* This serious? While it is a serious bummer that one need the modem and such to input one's own stuff... still, check it: "On the input end, players give Mojib Ribbon a text file that can be obtained via either websites or email. Once it has text to work with, the game automatically reads and converts the file into a rap." When you've got something like that, the fact that there's a game is just a bonus.</nowiki></nowiki> <a>Red Octane</a>'s online game rental service sounds nifty. The lowest I see on their main main page is the "18.95/mo for 2" deal, but when I followed the link from Insider there was a "9.95/mo for 1" which would probably appeal to me more. In other words, the fee is $9.95 a month, to have any one of the games out at a time. You choose games online, and they send them to you; when you're done you put it back in the pre-paid envelope, send it off, and a few days later your next one will arrive. Renting games has never been very viable for me for selection, price, convenience reasons, but $9.95 for a month seems a pretty good deal. Sure, that comes to about $120 per year, or what could buy a few games. But many games won't get played too much beyond initial spurt anyway, and it would be quite nice to broaden my horizons a bit. Of course, I have no credit card, which is a requirement for the service, as "a form of deposit to ensure that we receive the games you rented back." Rogue: Messing. Star Wars nuts: how do these pilots see behind them? From my game experiences, cockpit view can be pretty cool, but it's a huge disadvantage not being able to directly see if anything is trailing you, but going only the jolt of getting shot and maybe noticing a red blip on your radar. I realize it might be a bit out of place to put a rear view mirror in an X-Wing, but I'm sure the real thing didn't include a spot for number of lives remaining either. Seeing Kouban's post related to Alice in Wonderland, I remember a stray thought I had yesterday, that some sort of Jackie Chan in Wonderland might be interesting. The man is best when fighting with weird shit, and Wonderland would give him plenty of weird shit for defense/weapons AND opponents. I guess I'll go to bed #2 now. Current Mood: groovy Current Music: NoppZ - FFIX - Jamming loneliness OcRemix <a>Original</a>