Farscape Season 2

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Farscape Season 1

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


201: Mind the Baby 2000 March 17

(First watched 2010-02-17)  So this episode marks my downfall.  While watching some weirdass thing going in and out of Scorpius's head, I thought "What the yotz is that?"  Yes, yotz.  I'm doomed.

I wondered if the wording in the title sequence would be changed since Crais isn't acting as a military man anymore... but since the wording wasn't very specific, I guess it just keeps right on working with Scorpius.


202: Vitas Mortis 2000 March 24

(First watched 2010-05-31)  Really a situation without a great answer, ethically.  Regardless of the way things began, it's making a sacrifice of one life for another.


203: Taking the Stone 2000 March 31

(First watched 2010-06-07)  Preeeetty stupid.


204: Crackers Don't Matter 2000 April 7

(First watched 2010-06-07)  The episode starts with everyone being stupid and allowing their own pride to put them in a situation where they'll be compromised.  Then it gets disturbing as they REALLY start to lay in to each other with the verbal and physical attacks.  But getting Crichton dressed up in a cape, goggles, and vomit pretty much makes up for everything.

Scorpius in a crazy humorous part?  Who would have thunk.


205: The Way We Weren't 2000 April 14

(First watched 2010-06-08)  I thought the non-Pilot folks overreacted a bit at the beginning.  They knew she was a Peacekeeper under the command of Crazy Crais, what were they expecting her past to be?

But really things are much more complicated.


206: Picture if You Will 2000 April 21

(First watched 2010-06-09)  Maldis sure makes an ugly woman.

Weird painting world was pretty neat.


207: Home on the Remains 2000 June 16

(First watched 2010-06-10)  I'm not sure which was the weirdest thing: A mining colony on a giant dead space creature, the bear/ape thing that walked around in it, Zhaan shooting spores, Chiana using dead space creature acid to melt a guy's arm off... That last bit looked particularly gruesome.


208: Dream A Little Dream 2000 June 23

(First watched 2010-06-28)  A planet where 90% of the people are lawyers?  That just... logistically does not work!  And they're called the Litagarans?  Come oooon!  And winning the case by trickery involving Moya sending a beam of light down from space?  How is that NOT something they'd be immediately caught on?


209: Out of Their Minds 2000 July 7

(First watched 2010-06-30)  A good old goofy body-swap episode.  This one was more complicated than the usual A<->B fare, though, instead with two A->B->C->A groups.  Wiggly head-bobby Chiana in D'Argo's body has to be the best, though.

Missed opportunity: I was expecting Moya to be among the switchers.  That would've really been something.  Though perhaps not something they'd survive.


210: My Three Crichtons 2000 July 14

(First watched 2010-07-01)  Farscape may be at its best when handling weird situations goofily as in the previous episode, but I was worried that immediately having another such episode would be too much.  However, this episode actually takes the situation seriously.  Three different types of Crichtons aren't played for laughs, but for questions of whether any of them have greater rights than the others.

No solid conclusions are really reached, though.  I mean, sure, Brain Crichton seems a bit of a douche for justifying the deaths of another Crichton for his own survival because they were dumber, but in the end didn't they justify his death for their own survival because he was douchier?


201: Premiere 2000 March 17

(First watched )


201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

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201: Premiere 2000 March 17

(First watched )


201: Premiere 2000 March 17

(First watched )


Farscape Season 3