Star Trek: Voyager Season 5

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Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager Season 4

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


501: Night 1998 October 14

(First watched 2008-09-08)  I'd been wondering whether people could modify their appearance in the holodeck.  Well, it seemed within its possibilities, but I don't think it had actually happened until now.  Though it seemed kinda silly that they remained in grayscale when the ship's power went out.  Holodeck was still running, but not the LIGHTS on the holodeck!?

Further, doesn't it seem a bit silly for the Doctor to use the holodeck, as he did in the beginning of this episode?  I mean, he's already a computer simulation.  Can't he just... simulate some experience directly, without needing to use his computer-generated physical presence to interact with another computer-generated physical presence?  He wouldn't have to bicker with the rest of the crew about it being his turn.

Janeway is moody today.  I guess she only has regrets when the crew is completely safe; not when she's putting them in danger on a weekly basis.  She's really sorry she saved the Ocampa rather than dooming them so their few dozen people could've went home?  Jeez, it's a good thing Kes isn't around to hear that, or the many other people they've helped along the way.


502: Drone 1998 October 21

(First watched 2008-09-08)  So a transporter malfunction combines nanoprobes, the holographic transmitter, and generic crewman to create... superdrone.  He had a very different look than other Borg and a shitload of new functionality; I guess the little Borg nanites are a hell of a lot better at extrapolating from a small bit of 29th century technology than our everyday heroes are.

Janeway doesn't want to resort to murder?  Yeah, tell that to Tuvix.

Seemed disrespectful that One picked a name, people seemed to be accepting him, and yet he was still mostly referred to as "the drone".  Especially in the aftermath of that Sphere explosion, that's a very unspecific name.

So One dies... hey, anybody remember when Neelix was dead for three days and they were able to revive him using old-fashioned 24th century Borg technology?  Though in this case it was his will to die.  Very Terminator 2, One.


503: Extreme Risk 1998 October 28

(First watched 2008-09-16)  So B'Elanna's been doing crazy shit for months, and we see the entire problem and solution condensed into one episode.  Also an episode when they design and build a new type of shuttlecraft from scratch.  Well, OK, Tom had already planned much of it out.  But the default shuttles must be really awful if a small unaided crew can so best it in such little time.


504: In The Flesh 1998 November 4

(First watched 2008-09-17)  Peace between enemies... that's Star Trek.

So 8472 got all their data about Starfleet from Voyager?  Somehow?  But thought Starfleet Academy had a load of Ferengi in it?


505: Once Upon A Time 1998 November 11

(First watched 2008-09-18)  Given how they were treated at the beginning of TNG, 11 years prior, I thought holodecks were still fairly new and novel at the time.  So I thought it odd when Harry Kim talked about playing the Flotter programs when he was young.  Then Janeway busts out an old tale of her time there in her youth.  So holodecks have been around for 40+ years?  Maybe it was just the inclusion of them on ships that was novel at the beginning of TNG?

Another shuttle crash... but this time it's their Super Shuttle!


506: 1998 [[]]


Star Trek: Voyager Season 6