The Daily Show 2007

Revision as of 01:01, 17 October 2007 by JoshuaJSlone (talk | contribs)


10-15: Tony Snow was actually a pretty decent guest.  He and Jon obviously disagreed on a lot of things, but it never got "Lynne Cheney uncomfortable".

I enjoy the theory that based on Bush press secretaries each being more attractive than the last, the next one will be Jeri Ryan.


10-16: 9/11 in bed... that's got to be one of the most obscene abstract animations I've ever seen.

Then... Stephen!  This is only... what, second or third time he's come back on the show in the flesh?  Announcing his intention to consider possibly running for president.  The best was rereferencing himself as the son of a turd miner, grandson of a goat-ball licker.
