LiveJournal 2002-03-28a
<small>2002-03-28 18:27:28</small>
<h2>Cracker Barrel logo = Cracker + Barrel</h2>
Finally beat FF VIII. Thank divinity. Last save, 62:01. And though it jerked a little several times, it unexpectedly actually played the entire ending. When I first beat it years back it froze, and when I retried the video froze at the same spot; ended up borrowing Chet's copy to view the ending. I credit the newly improved behavior due to the PSX being sideways now.
I don't know if this problem afflicts anyone else, but when I reach the very VERY endbits of a game (oh, say, FF VIII), my bladder must go to oh, say, 20% of its usual size. Frequent restroom breaks are the rule of the hour. The advent of controllers that rumble while sitting in my lap hasn't helped matters much, either.
KingdomHearts.wacky > Hydrogen.wacky
Rogue: Messing. I did fine without switching off my targeting computer. Next time you communicate from the dead, Ben, give some real advice.
<b>Current Mood:</b> victorious
<b>Current Music:</b> SgtRama - A Walk Through 600 AD
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