LiveJournal 2002-04-03

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2002-04-03 01:06:00 ET 2002-04-02 22:11:10 PT

When is a toe not a toe? When it is an anthropomorphic porcelain lung.

To get my own preview of Vanilla Coke, I added about a teaspoon of vanilla extract to a can of Coke?? brand Cola??. It will continue to fizz until the Rapture, but it really wasn't that hot. Similarly and simultaneously was "The Sweet Spot". Bill and other Murrays golf, and... that's about it. They had some really corny getups and forced gags, but at least had one good OHMYGODNICE tucked in there; I fail to see how this thin concept of Murray Team vs Murray Team golfing can last any time at all, so it'd be my guess they only made a few. Probably the best thing I got out of it was learning <a>Brian Doyle-Murray</a>'s name and relation, sa he's just one of those people you see now and again. Today I made a completely different sort of cookie. I wanted to do something oatmeal raisin, but raisins by their lonesome weren't to be found. So I lowered the oatmeal content a bit and crunched up raisin bran. Didnt' turn out too bad. Raisins are still <= Mike Nelson, but they've got their place. OK, LJ doctors, my cold sore thing is long eradicated. But a new force threatens me: some sort of cut on the inner lip waah. A place I can get with hydrogen peroxide now and again, but not exactly a place that's willing to put up with any sort of ointments or bandaids. <a>d00d!</a> And damnedness be, the FF XI playable offline story was a joke, too. No longer will I think simple "logical feature addition" stories to be free from pranking. Rogue Leader: Skill enhancing. Using a Y-Wing for purposes other than dropping bombs is like buying a Nintendo system for third party games. Of course, given that Rogue was my first GCN game that sounds pretty stupid. <a>Original</a>