Torchwood Series 1

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Revision as of 21:02, 25 September 2007 by JoshuaJSlone (talk | contribs)
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01: Everything Changes September 8, 2007

(First watched 2007-09-08)  Nice general introduction to Torchwood, but as such a piloty episode I'm left uncertain what sort of style or tone this show will be using on a weekly basis.  It could be like X-Files without everything ending as confusing as it begins, or Men in Black without aliens in music videos, or something else entirely.

Nice to see Jack again.  He seems a bit more... personable, mellow, and just plain legitimate than I remembered, and I wouldn't have expected him to enjoy getting washed up in Cardiff.  I suppose between then and now he's had time to get used to it, though, and has found a job as exciting as can be found on the planet.

So Suzie was the murderer... OK, I see her motivation.  But why did she do it with such a specialized weapon that she was working on even around her colleagues?  Was there some alien-artifact-related reason she was sharpening a fancy blade at work?  Perhaps it was an alien thing itself, but that would still leave it an incredibly stupid thing for someone in her position to use as a murder weapon.


02: Day One September 15, 2007

(First watched 2007-09-15)  Uhhh, OK, that was something.  I guess I've heard the show described as "Doctor Who for adults", and they wanted to make that clear as quickly as possible.


03: September 22, 2007

(Firstt watched 2007-09-25)  About time we saw something of Owen beyond the superficial, as he had to deal with the knowledge and shared emotions of a murdered woman.

Not only does Jack not die, but he doesn't sleep either?  Next they'll tell us he doesn't go to the bathroom.
