Star Trek: Phase II
The fan series formerly known as Star Trek: New Voyages.
Pilot: Come What May
(First watched 2008-03-01) Admittedly at this time I've seen TOS less than any of the modern Trek shows, so I am perhaps not the best judge of how accurately these guys mimic its particular style. However, I'm sorry that for a show that claims to be trying to continue on as if TOS hadn't been cancelled, it falls into the same sort of trap Enterprise often did: wanting to reference things from the future. This episode both had an appearance by a Borg ship and had Kirk and Spock see visions of the future, giving the actors reason to recreate snippets of movies Star Trek I through Generations.
I said above I'm not the best judge of TOS-ishness, but it certainly did seem to be going for the proper campy/goofy tone more present in the 60s show than more modern versions of the franchise. The CG was decent for a low-budget job, and the sets for the most part seem like nice recreations. The acting... not so much.
But hey, this is the pilot episode. They don't even have a listing for it in their official episode list, so maybe even they consider it a big test run.
There were a few guest appearances from minor TOS actors, and I know bigger ones appear in the future. I know this is a "fan" production, but some of the people working on it must have the right connections to get such support from the get-go.