LiveJournal 2002-03-20

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2002-03-19 22:36:23

Mountain Don't.

Maybe a few days ago would've been a better time to bring this up, but I didn't realize it would stick in my head. Space Ghost returned from the commercial break in Spanish. Mistake, secret government acid tests, or just the same old mind-bending stuff one can expect from the show? I've just now done a quick search, found the <a>transcript</a>, and it has no more Spanish than the average episode. Sheeit. I was sure Zorak's voice had to be unintentionally un-Zorak sounding to poke fun at dubs. But even I had my doubts that they'd stretch such a joke for 2/3 the length of the show. I'm used to ICQ spam by now, but I think this is the first time I've got "21f wanna chat?" from "John". As the Singing Beast suggested, however, "Maybe she was... Johnita" And as I say now, "No more quotation marks." Been watching more Awful Truth season 1 past few nights. If a bit lower key on the whole than season 2, it's still all very good stuff. I had it all planned out earlier. I'd search for THING A, and then talk about it tonight, with a little introduction like "The Internet. More than just fun and games, it has become the global source of practical uses. Even weirdass ideas you've just had are likely to have been had by one of the billions of others, so it's possible you could find an image or story about something you just came up with already online." And I had a great one that seemed simple enough I'm sure I could find something. But uhh... I forgot it. And now I'm merely getting this out because I know given more time I'll forget about even this part too. I tried to think of something else that would work, and had a try at searching for a play on words of a game that seems fairly popular, though I've never played. Unfortunately, I found nothing playing on the wordplay of "Salmon Max". Slight medical problem of the week: annoying. Got a cold sore or some such at the side of my mouth. It gets split and whatnot, and proceeds to heal as a scab. However, then when I do something like smile or open my mouth to partake of my victuals, it will break again; not that the blood flows or anything, but this has been going on for several days now. The solution that comes to mind would be to smile or keep my mouth wide open or what have you continuously until the problem goes away or something. Bleh. news stories... not too often you see the words <a>Vatican, pedophilia, and wrestles</a> together in a headline. Also, <a>Sony robot sings, dances and isn't cheap</a>. Insert your own pop music bash here. And not a funny, but <a>Prosecutors want death for Moussaoui</a>. Some would accuse me, and rightly so, of being very liberal and appreciative of civil liberties and rights... but aren't you supposed to, you know, go through the trial and convict someone before talking about penalties? Innocent until proven guilty, anyone? I'll not bother going anti-death penalty right now. I need sleep. Super Mario 64: Found the red coin. It was right behind me. Anyway, got 2 stars in Shifting Sand Land, and 2 in Hazy Maze Cave, which should make it 88. Rogue: Messing. Also allow me to mention how it's a peeve of mine how makers of Star Wars games took the minor event of knocking down an AT-AT with a tow cable, and made it a repeated task. I'll let go for now the stupid design of the AT-AT in the first place; that fuss is with the Emps. Current Music: A different drummer. Wait, wait, that's Bermuda, never mind. <a>Original</a>