LiveJournal 2002-02-26

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2002-02-25 21:16:03

If I had a hammer, I could nail you

Helped my aunt and grandma today move LARGE amount of quilt material. Taking armfuls/bags/boxes of this stuff up to ground level and out to a vehicle can get old quick. Just as quick at getting old is then taking them out of the vehicle at the destination, and then carrying said armfuls/bags/boxes of stuff up to the second story. But hey, not like I would've done anything constructive with that time anyway. After learning of French Rococo art in Experiencing the Arts today, I _had_ to listen to Robotrek's Rococo music. A lot more repetitive than I remembered; but then, the only part that I kept thinking about was the cool string. At least Robotrek had a few other decent tunes for me to check out while playing with SPCs. Robotrek, I kiss you. Y'know, it's one thing to make a crappy sequel. It's another to make a crappy sequel to beloved movies of decades ago based on classic tales, with what has to be a totally changed cast and crew. Yes, I'm looking at you, Disney. What, not making enough money? I think I'll go make Citizen Kane 2 now. <a>Animal Leader sure looks to be the job.</a> I simultaneously darn the Japanese textiness of the game, as well as the low probability that it will get localized. I think it's official: I can't find my funky naugahyde hat. I cry. Where could it be? I can only think of a few locations, and I don't seem to run into it in either. Of course, my room is a whale of a mess, but I can't think of why I'd intentionally hide it from me. Um Jammer Lammy's Baby Baby (either version, or preferably both) + 50% slowdown = Demons Rogue Leader: Goodness. Silver on Bespin, which allowed me several goodies. The Slave 1 is almost as much a Jesus ship as the B-Wing, and even slower. Gave a go at Triumph of the Empire, but didn't stop Boy Luke. Current Mood: disappointed <a>Original</a>