Star Trek: Voyager Season 6

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Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager Season 5

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


601: Equinox Part II 1999 September 22

(First watched 2009-06-19)  So of course after all the yapping at the Equinox crew that they shouldn't have been following the captain's shitty unStarfleet-like orders, she gets pissed at Chakotay and Tuvok for questioning her shitty unStarfleet-like orders.

I like the look of the Equinox.  It's kinda like a mini Sovereign class.  Or being a smaller ship with raised nacelles, a bit like the NX at certain angles, too.  But definitely the Sovereign's nacelles.

So if Equinox had been harvesting these lifeforms and already gone extra thousands of light years along their course... why was the planet of the species they learned about them from only 50 light years distant?

So if the Equinox was primarily a planetary research vessel, what was it doing in the Badlands?  At least, that's where most of the other Alpha Quadrant stuff the Caretaker grabbed at seems to have come from.

So the Doctor deleted the Equinox EMH.  Especially from his perspective, wasn't that a pretty casual murder?


602: Survival Instinct 1999 September 29

(First watched 2009-06-20)  How come regular drone Seven in an emergency situation could do a better, less-reversible job of assimilating fellow drones than what the Collective normally does?

One of Seven's fellow drones was from the Excalibur, best known from the New Frontier books.


603: Barge of the Dead 1999 October 6

(First watched 2009-06-21)  I like the phrase "born-again Klingon".

I also like how part of Torres's conception of hell is an eternity on Voyager.  Not even she's a fan of the show.


604: Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy 1999 October 13

(First watched 2009-06-21)  As a big Doctor fan, quite a hoot.

Considering how long Voyager was out in the Delta Quadrant I wondered if Tuvok's pon farr problems would become an issue.  I just didn't think it would be an issue in the Doctor's fantasy life.

The ECH animation with four pips popping out was pretty haha.


605: Alice 1999 October 20

(First watched 2009-06-22)  I suppose it would've been too obvious to name the episode Christine.  Also some shades of Urgo.

I like how Chakotay initially was against purchasing Alice because they were already full of shuttles.  Y'all are crashing these things all the damn time; some backups couldn't hurt.

I like the Ferengi five stages of acquisition: infatuation, justification, appropriation, obsession, resale.

I knew the trader sounded familiar.  Indeed he was also Enterprise's Silik.


606: Riddles 1999 November 3

(First watched 2009-06-23)  Tuvok and Neelix have always been one of Voyager's more interesting pairs, and this episode plays on that well; even if Tuvok isn't really himself for most of it.

So the guy trades away the Ba'neth detection technology with the understanding that they'll work around it, in exchange for information on healing Tuvok.  While that's awfully nice for his hosts, isn't it going to be pretty awful for the ships they continue to attack and kill people on in the future?

So with Tuvok's reluctance to become the old Tuvok, I was wondering if we had another Tuvix situation.  However, in this case he ended up volunteering to go back to how he was; murder avoided.


607: Dragon's Teeth 1999 November 10

(First watched 2009-06-23)  So this newly reborn group of a few hundred people decide to get back to prominence by force, decide their technology is too out of date to do it... and decide they can do it with Voyager.  Problem 1, Voyager still can't fight an entire war by itself.  Problem 2, if Voyager WAS that hot, why would they have been able to stop it with their fleet of ships they already decided wasn't good enough?


608: One Small Step 1999 November 17

(First watched 2009-06-24)  Now here's an episode with a hefty bit taking place in the past that works well.

Soooo... Seven recovered the astronaut's body, and then they just shoot it into space.  As long as he's going to have a space burial, wouldn't it have been more appropriate to just leave him with his craft in the anomaly he spent his last days studying?


609: The Voyager Conspiracy 1999 November 24

(First watched 2009-06-24)  Ahaha.  Seven downloads too much too quickly and starts spouting off about the 24th century equivalents of black helicopters and FEMA relocation camps.  Making crazy conspiracy theories about Starfleet to Chakotay, and crazy conspiracy theories about the Maquis to Janeway.  I'm glad it was fairly easily resolved, though, without them getting into some cliché phaser-pointing standoff before they realized the real problem was with Seven.

However, some of the stuff Seven noticed was pretty weird.  I mean, even if it wasn't a plot by anyone on Voyager, what was with the tractor beam from an unknown ship grabbing the power generator from the Caretaker in just the right fraction of a second?

So they cut another three years travel time off.  Must be down to about 30 years now?


Star Trek: Voyager Season 7