Sy's N64 Mindless Ramble With Virtually No Content 3: The Supreme Tag-Team!

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December 1997

Hello. If you're reading this from anywere other then "Sy's Space 'o Nothing", you may be wondering who I am. Well, I'm Brent Hirose, and I've known Josh for a bit now (I AM assuming you're reading it from N64 Surge). It would be thanx to him this document ever reached your hands. Anyway, I should begin.

Well, at this moment, you may be wondering what the heck THAT title could mean. Seriously, THINK! What would be the best tag team ever to grace the world of video gaming? How about Nintendo and *gasp!* Sony? Well? Huh?

Well... give me a sec to prepare my HD for the incoming hate-mail, virusus and ziped copys of people's hard drives, and I'll continue. Give me a chance here, okay? Just stop, put down your rock/knife/gun/weapon of choice, and think for a moment. What other team up could be so powerful? Both companies seem to work off the other's weakness. Imagine if we could use this energy creativly! It would be awsome. Nintendo with it's marketing, expirience and leagion of followers. Sony with it's pushing-power, new ideas and leagion of fans. How could it NOT be a good thing? It would be like the breaking of the Berlin Wall, kindred spirits meeting for the first time! If two arch-rivals could get together like that, we could prouve through video games that anyone can turn around and work for a comment goal.

Think. Who could stand in thier way? Seg.... wait a sec.... they kinda died with the Sega CD... (They just didn't know about it..) ... Well..... how about.. .... Atar.... no...... the jag's leagion of 20 odd people couldn't compeat.... I guess we onlt have to worry about the 10 odd people waiting for the M2 to come out. WELL?? GET THE POINT YET!! HUH????

Of coase, with that would also come another possible team up. Can you say Rare? Can you say Square? Imagine the possiblilties. The two companies have both proved themselves to be No.1 in thier feilds. They could do some truly magical things together, I think. Also, along with that, comapnies like Prognosis, Capcom, ect. wouldn't have to side with anyone. The gaming industry could teem with weath and wonderfulness! (And other stuff!)

Well, I know that this will prabably never happen, but it's the thought that counts, right. Besides, if they did that, the people who buy 2 systems would only buy one, taking down the profit. Then... wait, maybe that's why they havn't done it yet... or mabey..... Oh oh.... I feel a consperacy here.....

Live from Canada,

Brent Hirose/ Sy ([email protected])