Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1: Difference between revisions

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On the planet, what was Kirk thinking narrating everything?  The Metrons flat-out said they were giving them translation devices, yet Kirk was using it as if it was a log in which to talk about his planned battle strategies.
On the planet, what was Kirk thinking narrating everything?  The Metrons flat-out said they were giving them translation devices, yet Kirk was using it as if it was a log in which to talk about his planned battle strategies.
119: '''Tomorrow is Yesterday''' ''[[1967]] [[]]''
This is a fun episode, but there's some stupid stuff.  Like in originally determining that they must keep Captain Christopher around, Spock just looks up whether he was important to history.  Neglecting to check his further descendants was a bad mistake.  Thinking that just having a UFO disappear an Air Force dude rather than him finishing his natural life of interaction with countless others won't affect things is an even worse one.
Then the bit at the end, where their little time reverse before heading to the far future seems to erase their previous presence... that just doesn't make sense.  Following that rule, wouldn't they have wiped out more of their own earlier existence while zipping forward a few hundred years?
