Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever

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Originally posted at IDKIYKT's Phile on 2011-10-21

A surprisingly fun crossover show made for the franchise's 25th anniversary.  Through Technodromery, the main characters of the late 80s cartoon end up in the world of the early 00s cartoon, where the different versions of the characters are able to interact.

I hadn't seen any of the newer series, but having watched the old show as a kid it was a big nostalgia blast.  Especially enjoyed how they exaggerated the silliness of the old show--franchises rarely get to self-parody like this.  Example:

2003 Turtle: Any ideas what our next move should be?
*1987 Turtles all raise hands*

2003 Turtle: OTHER than go out for pizza?
*1987 Turtles lower hands*

It even brings bits of other versions of TMNT into play, most notably the comic from which it all spawned--and which brings a third distinct visual style to the show.  The most disappointing this is that apparently due to it being a non-union production they couldn't use the original voice actors from the 80s show.
