January 27 - Keith Olbermann is born.

March 15 - Fabio is born.

March 21 - Nobuo Uematsu is born.

May 5 - Brian Williams is born.

May 20 - Bronson Pinchot is born.

May 23 - Ryūta Kawashima is born.

April 15 - Thomas F. Wilson is born.

September 21 - Dave Coulier is born.

September 23 - Jason Alexander is born.

October 3 - Greg Proops is born.

October 7 - Soviet probe Luna 3 first photographs the far side of the Moon.

October 17 - Norm Macdonald is born.

October 23 - "Weird Al" Yankovic is born.

November 9 - Tony Slattery is born.

December 6 - Satoru Iwata is born.

1859 ・・・ 1949 ・・ 195819591960 ・・ 1969 ・・・ 2059