Doctor Who Season 1

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Doctor Who

SPOILERS TOTAL. You've been warned.


001: An Unearthly Child

(First watched 2007-01-05, -06, -07, -08) As an introduction to the concept it does its job, especially the first episode.  However, the caveman struggles that dominate the last three are a bit blah.  The Doctor sure was a much more grumpy and truly inhuman man here than the character he's evolved into by 2006.  Knowing quite little detail about the early days of the series, I was a bit surprised to see the two school teachers dragged into the whole mess; I guess I'm most used to the "Doctor + female companion" group.  As a casting note, it seemed pretty obvious that the "15 year old" really wasn't.  By IMDB's reckoning she was 23 at the time.


002: The Daleks

(First watched 2007-01-10, -11, -12, -13, -15, -15, -16) In a way, the early part of this series reminds me of Sliders.  They got lost on their first trip, and then without the proper information and equipment bungle on to the next stop, solving problems so they can survive along the way.  The Doctor really is quite a selfish grump.  It's interesting to see how he's really a bit of an adversary to the teachers, though they're forced to rely on each other for continued survival and transportation.  With the benefit of... foresight of the 2005 version of the Daleks which made them seem formidable even if goofy-looking, the original 60s goofy-looking ones gain a retroactive feel of danger.

The Daleks are clearly not as much of a threat in this serial as they grow to be 40 years later.  It should be interesting to see how this technology gap changes in the meantime.  Certainly they have a long way to go from being floor-powered and shooting paralyzing goo to the flying, disintegration-ray-shooting, Time Lord enemies I know they become.

It's hard to call it music, but the combination of low note and following weird sound effect used to convey weirdness of the Dalek city was somehow really effective.


003: The Edge of Destruction

(First watched 2007-02-04, -05)  The first part had promise.  A mysterious problem.  The people inside the TARDIS being confused, controlled, and knocked out?  Quite a setup.  However, the conclusion didn't do much for me.  So it was the TARDIS itself causing these weird problems to get their attention, because it didn't have a better way to communicate?  What did this have to do with making Susan try to stab people with scissors?  And the problem turns out to be a stuck spring on the control panel?  I realize this was made 43 years ago, but that seems the craziest thing to go wrong on your futuristic space-time machine.


004: Marco Polo

Reconstruction (First watched 2007-02-22, -23, 03-01, )


Doctor Who Season 2