Doctor Who Season 2

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Doctor Who

Doctor Who Season 1

SPOILERS TOTAL. You've been warned.


009: Planet of Giants

(First watched 2007-07-30, -31, -08-01) Very cool.  Were it a modern episode a Honey, I Shrunk the Kids comparison would be appropriate, but this episode predates that movie by a quarter century.  Considering that and a BBC budget, it was done well.  Great to see something really goofy go wrong with the TARDIS, other than just ending up in an inconvenient place or time.  The background drama going on wasn't very remarkable, but it kept the environment of hour protagonists from being static... and somehow gave them a way to save many lives, even on modern Earth as inch-high versions of themselves.  The villain trying to disguise his voice with a piece of cloth, though... yikes, what a crappy trick.  I think this is the first time I remember seeing that cliche in something other than a completely parodic manner.

This episode made me want to play Pikmin.


010: The Dalek Invasion of Earth

(First watched 2007-08-04, -05, -06, -07, -08, -09) The Doctor said their previous run-in with the Daleks was "a million years" in the future as an explanation to why they were still around.  I won't take that as an accurate measurement, but... the Daleks they saw before seemed to have come into being on that planet, and seemed bound to the planet.  Are we now to take it that they were just some remaining sect, and the others had long since gone off planet to conquer?

Goodbye Susan.  Boy, that'll make things awkward for Ian and Barbara if they ever get back home.  They disappear at the same time as a student, and turn back up without her.

I think it speaks to British-Gallifreyan conceptions of maturity and ages of consent when they can get away with the Doctor dumping off his ~16-year-old granddaughter in a devastated world to get married to someone she's just met.


011: The Rescue

(First watched 2007-10-07, -08) Not bad.  A short one, mostly an excuse to pick up another traveler in Vicki, but the question of what happened on the planet was a change, too.  No, not an Earth-Dido conflict or the Didoans becoming aggressive... but just a human mass-murderer trying to make it appear that way as a cover story.


012: The Romans

(First watched 2008-04-23, -05-01, -06, -08)  Boy, the doctor is a big grump.  Refusing to let Ian and Barbara go with him and Vicky to Rome, I'd think him randy if I didn't know better.

They didn't do a very good job of making the fight hectic; when Barbara beaned Ian accidentally it absolutely looked intentional.

Ahaha, the Doctor really manhandled that assassin!  And was cocksure about it afterward!

Ahaha, the Doctor's silent lyre playing as an "emperor's new clothes" trick so everyone fakes that they heard him.  His weird antics are making this my favorite of the historical serials yet.



013: The Web Planet

(First watched 2008-05-11, -12, -08-16, -10-11, -11-27, -28)  I know there's only so much they could do, but those ant things walking around with a pair of human legs look silly indeed.

Bees, too?

Hahaha.  In the third episode, an ant man inadvertently bumps into the camera since he probably can't see shit in there.

Boy, this one is just sooo goofy in an unfun way.  That it's taking me half a year to finish watching it is both an effect and cause.

OK, so it did end up taking me half a year to see.  At this rate I'd never catch up.  But boy, from awful costumes to boring story, this is pretty much scraping the bottom of what I expected of the early years of this show.  We didn't even get much main character interaction beyond Vicki/Doctor, since they were all split up.








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