Game Charting: Game Search

<form> GameID: <input>
TitleEnglish: <input>
TitleJapanese: <input>
Platform: <input>
Publisher: <input>
ReleaseDate: <input>
LaunchPrice: <input>

<input> </form>

Explanations / Notes:

Input values for any or all of the categories to narrow things down. _ is the wildcard for a single character, % is the wildcard for an indefinite number of characters.

Games released in 2000? ReleaseDate: 2000-%
Games released in March? ReleaseDate: %-03-%
Games released on the 10th? ReleaseDate: %-10
Mario games? TitleEnglish: <nowiki>%Mario%</nowiki>
Games with a single digit ID? GameID: _