LiveJournal 2002-02-13c

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2002-02-13 20:55:48


It does seem somehow appropriate that with the Michael Jackson MP3s, I won't stop until I get enough. </horriblejoke> ADDED: Unfortunately, due to fake HTML being treated like real HTML and not showing up, bad fake HTML jokes don't work very well. Sure, I could look up the codes to make the side arrows and such, but I really don't care that much. Plus I get to continue something I did very briefly at the Colon; hidden fake HTML jokes. The only way anyone would notice is if they happened to view the source. Alt tag humor is the job, but this is the next level. I think tonight I'll actually go to sleep before 1 AM. Rock. I'm not sure I should get in the habit of having a shorter-than-should-be main sleep, and then on some days having a several hour "nap" early afternoon. It's too bad LiveJournal only allows 3 pictures at once; I guess in my case I'd prefer a space cap, since my size-per-image is well below their limit. Anyway, guess I'll have to switch now and again: some day I will rotate in my <a>P?p?</a>. Tales of Phantasia progress today: more late-game subquesty stuff. I'm basically to the point in every game where things are fairly obviously winding to a conclusion, but my feet are firmly planted in the ground. Whereas if I put as much time into it as I did the first few days, I'd be done in no time flat. Current Mood: sleepy Current Music: PC Hum <a>Original</a>