LiveJournal 2002-03-11

2002-03-10 21:05:49

Lucy, in the sky, with the rope

Another day of near nothing... ate some sloppy chicken, unsuccessfully tried to get a picture of my tooth. Get anywhere near close enough for a good view, and any light for visibility turns it into a single-colored mass, or too blurry. Oh well. Also skipping Adult Swim tonight. I looked, and it looks like (unnamed 15 minute show), Sealab, and Home Movies, playing from midnight to 1 AM. That's it. I mean, no Space Ghost!? What has the world come to? Rogue: Messings Super Mario World: Had my way with Vanilla stages. Stopped after the castle and fortress, considering the stages beginning with the bridges non-Vanilla territory. Number: 35. Current Mood: tired <a>Original</a>