LiveJournal 2002-03-12

2002-03-11 21:13:45

I _always_ remove my skin before eating

First, things that could've been in the last two things, but weren't. 9/11: All commercial planes grounded was weird. Just another hugeass, far-reaching result. Some of my uncle's friends were to return from Vegas that day, but things were obviously delayed a bit. And add to the I'm-a-sick-bastard file, but the collapse of the buildings reminded me of the graphical effect of putting a bunch of Lemmings in a small space and nuking them. General yesterdayness: Saw a movie. I'm sure it would have been a bit better had I not repeatedly missed it over the last several years and had people tossing spoilers through my head left and right. Even my MOM was spoiling me, for she caught the movie approximately 24 hours before moi. D'oh. First Kevin Smith movie I've caught all of. <a>Dogma</a>
Religion is a screwed up thing, and God is crazy and stuck up. Add a skewed view and lack of taking itself seriously, and up my thumb. Now to honest-to-goodness today things: Pants influence. Me to Toaster Thief: *reads rumor* Finally, a way to put FF Tactics in my pants without looking like a TOTAL freak. Toaster Thief to Me: I thank you a thousand times for providing me with the pull text for this news story. GIA Main Page: Could the Zodiac Brave Story soon unfold in your pants? Concerning that rumor, ports of any FFs I-VI wouldn't have surprised me and would be welcome, but the possibility of Tactics is nose-drainingly awesome. Yeah, it'd suffer some in the technical departments, but I think the core experience could work. Plus this would give them a chance to add a multiplayer component, and, y'know, make a translation that's not ass. And thinking of the GBA-GCN interaction, wasn't doing things like making your strategic choices on your own screen without enemies being able to see all your options one of the early-stated and simple possibilities mentioned? Mmm. The whole situation gets more and more interesting with more info. Seems it was around the same time that Sony invested in Square that they decided upon the Nintendo developing, with one of the reasons being to stop more people from leaving to found other companies which could provide games for Nintendo, like Brownie Brown. Anyway, so Square makes new stock to sell to Sony, and plans to form a new company which it owns 49% of an one of their development guys owns 51% of, as the front through which they can get Yamauchi's money. Ha. Really, the company has been described as only to exist on paper: actual products will still come from main Square teams. I've recently been eating this bag of Reese's Pieces. It's evidently been far too long since I have previously. No damn wonder ET's folks came to Earth! Tetris Attack: Not much. Did add in a way to switch the blocks, though it's still mostly manual since it's just me. Tried to work on a way of updating the field that would be less taxing and thus not slow down as much when using bigger blocks or a larger field, but didn't get to work on it enough to see if I was actually doing anything useful. I am an Insider. Rogue: Messing. Including playing in little PIP window while watching Cosby. SM64: From 53 stars to 58 stars: 2 Tiny/Huge, 4 Snow place, 2 Rainbow Ride/Cruise/Whatever. Also some PIP time, while Grandma was listening to soaps. For whatever reason, SM64 image comes off much worse in PIP than Rogue. *shrug* Tales of Phantasia: Played a few minutes. Beat a boss. Current Mood: mellow <a>Original</a>