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October 9, 2009
October 9, 2009

[ Visitants]

Still cheap and hokey like you'd expect from Rick Sloane, but this time the intentional laughs work pretty well, too.
Still cheap and hokey like you'd expect from Rick Sloane, but this time the intentional laughs work pretty well, too.
October 30, 2009
[ Battlestar Galactica: The Plan]
Pretty damn good.  Not a clip show like I feared, with 90+% of the footage being new.  Doesn't stand alone from the series, but stands very well alongside it, presenting a different viewpoint.
November 13, 2009
[ Vanishing Point]
Everybody loves that a Mike Brady lookalike is leading the cops on a chase, but he just wants speed and speed.
December 18, 2009
[ Avatar]
The plot is nothing new and the parallels with Earth history are quite heavy-handed.  This movie is really all about EPIC SPECTACLE OF ALIEN WORLD, though, and pulls that off pretty well.
January 11, 2010
[ Zombie Honeymoon]
Interesting idea, but doesn't quite click.  Tries to be a bit silly, a bit serious, a bit romantic, but succeeds on none.  Does do a bit of unsettling, though.
January 30, 2010
[ Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel]
Great fun and very internally consistent comedy about bathroom-based time travel.
February 27, 2010
[ Planet of the Apes (2001)]
A much more straightforward action-rebellion movie than the original.  But may I say the makeup work is outstanding.
March 7, 2010
[ Team America: World Police]
Puppets doing things you've never seen puppets do before!  Crazy songs!  Important metaphors!  Highly entertaining.
March 13, 2010
[ Capitalism: A Love Story]
Sometimes the connections seem a bit scattershot, but Moore presents a lot of interesting micro and macro stories, as ever edited in an entertaining way.
April 12, 2010
[ Gattaca]
Pretty heavy-handed tale about genetic discrimination.  Too heavy-handed, I think, but still interesting.
April 13, 2010
[ Hudson Hawk]
Thief repeatedly gets played.  This movie doesn't make much sense.  It tries to be kooky, but with only a C effort it doesn't work.  Meh.
April 29, 2010
[ Futurama: Bender's Game]
The silliest and most episode-like Futurama movie yet, though the disconnect between the two halves by different writers is pretty obvious.
May 12, 2010
[ The Omega Man]
I enjoy a good loner apocalypse, but the culty plague victims were just too ridiculous an opposition.
May 14, 2010
[ 28 Weeks Later]
Starts out interesting with reconstruction going on, but ends up turning into more crazy running non-zombies.
May 16, 2010
[ The Dark Knight]
Pretty gripping and a spectacle.  Continues to make crazy Batman characters seem halfway plausible, though some technology appears to be magic.
May 17, 2010
[ Rambo]
There may be movies with more kills, but I don't know about more giblets; this film is pretty brutal.  Seems short, but at least it doesn't overstay its welcome.
May 24, 2010
[ Cloverfield]
Monstrous goings-on in the big city is a great topic for the joe-with-camera filming gimmick.
May 29, 2010
[ Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder]
Solid if not spectacular fourth Futurama movie entry.  This is definitely the Wong movie.
June 11, 2010
[ The A-Team]
Action and ridiculousness certainly ramped up with the budget over the TV show.  They got the characters pretty right, though, so it's recognizable.  Good fun.
June 13, 2010
[ Moon]
Pretty nice.  Feels like an old hard sci-fi novel brought to life.  Loner on the moon deals with a weird situation that would be spoilery to get into.
June 20, 2010
[ Free Willy 3: The Rescue]
Even a loving dad can be an EVIL POACHER WHO MUST BE STOPPED.  Meanwhile Willy willies around.
June 27, 2010
[ Toy Story 3]
Master and slaves contemplate life without each other.  Looks like a PS2 game.  Ken steals the show.
July 3, 2010
[ The Girl Who Leapt Through Time]
A simple time travel situation turns Twilight Zone, if The Twilight Zone starred Japanese high schoolers.
July 7, 2010
[ Rush Hour 3]
Pretty much what you'd expect after the first two, but slightly more tired.
July 17, 2010
[ Kung Fu Hustle]
Strange movie.  The action is Matrix meets Looney Tunes.  Starts to get serious sometimes, but it's just tricking you.
July 21, 2010
[ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]
A sort-of-greatest-hits of scenes from the book, but out of necessity it is very chopped and incomplete.
July 22, 2010
[ Hot Fuzz]
Tough cop is transferred to small town; Serious Business ensues.  Really quite good.  Isn't as ridiculous as the advertising suggests, until it is.
August 2, 2010
[ Speed Racer]
Speed Racer meets F-Zero GX meets the Matrix meets 2001's wormhole sequence.  It's not deep, but fun as a Pixy Stix of a movie.
August 8, 2010
[ Stranger Than Fiction]
Blending of fictional boundaries is a topic I enjoy.  This film uses it sweetly, without getting too caught up in the oddness.
August 15, 2010
[ The Lost Skeleton Returns Again]
Not as original as the original, but still plenty of good new fun, and does have interesting premises of its own.  Hard to rate its rewatchability after one watch.
August 21, 2010
[ Like Mike]
Orphan uses magic shoes to cheat his way to riches and happiness.
August 25, 2010
[ Survival of the Dead]
For a Romero film, pretty disappointing.  Too jokey and unpressured.  Us vs Us vs Them is there, but the Us vs Us is too wishily-washily handled to get interesting enough.
September 18, 2010
[ The Room]
Bills itself as a black comedy, but it's more awkward drama with inconsistent characters and bad sex scenes.  But I could listen to Tommy Wiseau talk all day.
September 19, 2010
[ Dark and Stormy Night]
Not just another Lost Skeleton--everything's still awkward and retro, but in a very different way.  It works, though.
September 25, 2010
[ The Forbidden Kingdom]
If The NeverEnding Story and Dragon Ball had a baby, it might be this.  A pretty fun time.
September 30, 2010
[ Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole]
It's nice to see PG CG that's not full of pop culture references spoken by aging comics, but this fantasy comes pretty generic and feels extremely rushed.
October 2, 2010
[ Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus]
For such a so-bad-its-funny movie, it's too bad the crazy CG is so spread out and reused over and over and over.  And over.
November 28, 2010
[ Hot Tub Time Machine]
Unfortunately the title is about as clever as the movie gets.
[ The Happening]
It's like The Birds without the birds.  Brings that big unsettling feeling, but not the character relationships as in a, say, Signs.
[ I Am Legend]
A lot of video gamey CG, "running zombie" type silliness, and still strays pretty far from the source material; but on the whole the film works well.  Much better than the ol' Chuck Heston take.
December 4, 2010
[ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe]
This is a pretty simple story that they really stretched a bit too much to try and make a 2+ hour epic of it.
December 5, 2010
[ Prince Caspian]
Forget stretching; it feels like half the movie is crazy events from whole cloth to add more conflict between... well, all parties.
December 17, 2010
[ TRON: Legacy]
Hard to peg this one.  Unique, but less than the first.  Tries too hard to hit the high points of the original.  Biggest CG wonder is... Jeff Bridges?  And the whole premise still makes no sense.