Star Trek: Voyager Season 6

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Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager Season 5

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


601: Equinox Part II 1999 [[]]

(First watched 2009-06-19)  So of course after all the yapping at the Equinox crew that they shouldn't have been following the captain's shitty unStarfleet-like orders, she gets pissed at Chakotay and Tuvok for questioning her shitty unStarfleet-like orders.

I like the look of the Equinox.  It's kinda like a mini Sovereign class.  Or being a smaller ship with raised nacelles, a bit like the NX at certain angles, too.  But definitely the Sovereign's nacelles.

So if Equinox had been harvesting these lifeforms and already gone extra thousands of light years along their course... why was the planet of the species they learned about them from only 50 light years distant?

So if the Equinox was primarily a planetary research vessel, what was it doing in the Badlands?  At least, that's where most of the other Alpha Quadrant stuff the Caretaker grabbed at seems to have come from.

So the Doctor deleted the Equinox EMH.  Especially from his perspective, wasn't that a pretty casual murder?


Star Trek: Voyager Season 7