The Colbert Report 2008: Difference between revisions

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Rain!!!! Dancin' in Korean!
Rain!!!! Dancin' in Korean!
'''05-06''': Stephen is <u>always</u> ovulating.
'''05-07''': []
Oh, poor media-isolated Justin-in-a-box.
'''05-08''': WristStrong in space!? &nbsp;Member of the Colbert universe.
&quot;Eat it, Jon Stewart, I'm talkin' to space!&quot;
(Stephen caption) NEW YORK
(astronaut caption) OMG! SPACE!
&quot;If your erection lasts more than 100 years, pull out.&quot;
'''05-12''': Vacation travel device: familypult.
'''05-13''': Ahahaha, Colbert's faux-early-90s O'Reilly.
Gun control lobby: the fightin' pacifists!
'''05-14''': On [[Edwards|John Edwards]]: &quot;He's going to need more than two Americas to hide from [[Hillary Clinton]].&quot;
Recount: &quot;This movie is [Democrats'] version of Titanic, only in this movie the Supreme Court declares the iceberg President.&quot;
'''05-15''': Poor John Edwards without his jet ski.
Secret time-traveling Nazi Muslim!
I want a Colbert Tyro.
'''05-27''': Catholic Church can't be Great Whore because they're against birth control. &nbsp;Unless Hagee is into pregnant whores.
'''05-28''': &quot;Pennicillin, you make me sick! &nbsp;Then immediately cure me, how ironic.&quot;
I love Cheating Death.
'''05-29''': Ahh, the astronauts and their high technology &quot;bag-like collection system&quot;.
'''06-02''': iPod Nano video stamp? &nbsp;Nice.
'''06-03''': [[Kucinich|Dennis Kucinich]] won the primary among animals.
Two shows in a row he uses clips from the preceding TDS. &nbsp;That's fast.
&quot;This is great news. &nbsp;For one thing, I believe calling Hezbollah the A-Team means we can put them in jail for a crime they didn't commit.&quot;
'''06-04''': &quot;Of course I'm talking about the Libertarians. &nbsp;A party that wants to shrink down government so small that it could be injected into Martin Short.&quot;
'''06-05''': Colbert in Andromeda Strain! ... sorta.
Timber sports: The Superbowl with chainsaws.
'''06-09''': Democralypse-alypse!
Albatresbians and their sapho-avian agenda.
'''06-10''': Ahahaha. &nbsp;He's taking Canada's hockey song for extremely American things! &nbsp;And punching beavers in the face.
'''06-11''': Katamari! &nbsp;Super Barack & Hillary!
'''06-12''': Make McCain Exciting... does.
