Last 5 Pages Viewed: Miguel » BuddyC » July 4 » Drohne » Amir0x


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Chris Goldberg

Along with Alcibiades, the originator of the Easter joke for positive DS sales.


I don't think Kirby had anything to do with it, actually, mostly colors + Easter. People love that shit.

(03-31-2005, 04:06 AM EST)

One of the most trolly mods around.  When there's anything with a heavy opinion split, it's not unusual to see part of a thread go to

Amir0x: Claim.

Other: That's just your opinion, though.

Amir0x: Of course it's my opinion.  I know what I like, and I only care about what I like, and that's what I say.

Other: OK then.

Amir0x: Although anyone who thinks otherwise must be a disingenuous loser.

Other: ARGH.