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Ashes to Ashes Series 1

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Ashes to Ashes

Life on Mars Series 2

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.



The reintroduction of our returning heroes is really the highlight of this episode.  Gene's first line is quintessentially him.  "My friend, your diary entry will read: 'Took a prossie hostage, and was shot by three armed bastards.'"  The three of them later arriving on a speedboat with a machine gun is a close second.

I already like that Drake can't end up with the same sort of attachment issue as Sam Tyler--she's got a firm connection to her home period by way of a daughter.





(First watched 2012-08-24)  Aww... even dickhead Ray can be a softy... when he can be so by planting evidence.












Ashes to Ashes Series 2