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Battlestar Galactica 2004 Season 3

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The one with the Sagitarrons (sp?)

(First watched 2007-02-11) I love Helo.  He loves and protects humanity, even when it's in a Cylon.


Dirty Hands

(First watched 2007-02-25) As usual, the bulk of the episode seemed great... but of course it's the things that seemed off that itch at my brain.

The resolution.  Apparently these people have been trying to get some positive changes made for years, but nothing was done.  They start jailing people for taking the next step in getting attention, then capitulate on some changes like the lottery for more help.  When that goes horribly wrong and a true strike begins,  they threaten to shoot Cally until the Chief gives in... THEN start being cooperative?  The ball was in their court and they could've done this long before.  With a different perspective each week, this show has given me reasons to love and hate almost all of these people and the decisions they make.

Also, Baltar's book seemed a bit out of place for him.  I think it was Tigh who a few weeks back said that in his mind, he was always the victim.  While I guess writing about class warfare is another way for him to see himself as a victim, any desire to be some sort of political subversive seemed to come out of nowhere.  Maybe it would've been easier to swallow if we'd seen an earlier scene of Six-in-his-head leading him towards that.


The next one

(First watched 2007-03-04) What.  Thrace... dead?  A cylon?  Some deus ex machina survival?  It certainly made a big deal out of her "destiny" but didn't explain it, so there's something yet to come.


The following one

(First watched 2007-03-11) It bugs me that Romo Lampkin sounds like a Star Wars name, but he does bring something completely different to the show.


The one after that

(First watched 2007-03-18) Poor Lee.  Getting shit on by his wife and father due to wanting a fair trial, even for someone most of the human race hates.  He looked so strange in a business suit after he resigned his commission.  But... Lampkin is right.  If instead of Baltar there was a president in place who didn't let the Cylons have their way, the death count on New Caprica would've been much greater.  Making it out that Baltar really had any control over things is quite false.


The one following that

(First watched 2007-03-25)  :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
