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Citation Needed Podcast

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Originally posted at IDKIYKT's Phile on 2011-04-11

The show has only had three ~30 minute episodes, so this is definitely a review that will need replacement later, but I wanted to recommend it now rather than waiting months.

Most podcasts I listen to are largely conversational, but not so here: most of this content is very, very scripted.  BUT it's scripted content I can see myself listening to many times, and in a few cases have.  A few favorite bits include:
*A producer getting pitches based on their Wikipedia description.  Movies like Tammy and the T-Rex, or shows like Lidsville.
*The Disney character Pete feeling compelled to list his many many aliases for purposes of a rap song.
*The advertisements created for an actual town with the nickname "Hell on the Border" but the motto "Life's worth living in Fort Smith, Arkansas."

The show is at its weakest when it's at its least scripted.  This tends to be Conor getting one of his friends on the phone and trying to match their expertise with the strangeness found in related Wikipedia articles.
