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Colon Cross

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Colon Cross

Guest Rambling by Joshua Slone

         Yesterday in my Writing Through Literature class, we were supposed to spend the day working on rough drafts of a personal narrative due next Thursday. I don't have any good ideas yet, but I temporarily fooled myself into thinking that getting Chrono Cross was a personal experience good to write about for English class. I allowed myself to make it really rough since I'd work on it a lot later. Before too long, I stopped lying to myself, realized my final paper would be nothing like this, and just enjoyed myself. The only real thing missing from this typed version is the way I'd fancify my capital letters sometimes, but hey.

         *Sits down, leans back, rolls eyes* It was nineteeeen ninety five. Chrono Trigger. It's about time. The 3rd jewel in the triple crown/member of the SNES Square triumvirate, and to put it simply, as the boot blacking kid in Prince of Space said, "I like it very much." Fast forward a year. And another. And another. And another. Finally it is announced that a sequel is on the way, though sans Horii, Toriyama, and other such busy-with-DQ7 bigwigs. But hey, it was coming. And there was much rejoicing.

         Fast forward one more year. Early August 2000. I'm turning 18, and Chrono Cross is turning American. I really think so. Finally, C-day arrives. Chad and I toss ourselves onto the nearest moving vehicle headed in the direction of General Wayne's fort. Once there, we're there. We head to mall, and then more specifically to.... Babbage's was it? Yeah, methinks so. And it's closed. We see a few people waiting outside.

         Aha, thinked me, fellow Chronoers. Alas, it turned out only half the people waited for Chrono Cross, the others were awaiting an abomination in comparison: NFL Gameday 2001. Like, yuck city, really. After some time, the pearly metal gates open. Before us is He Who Walks Behind the Counter. "We have come to worship you, oh lord, and bring great sacrifices of money." "Shipment isn't in yet," he says. "Come back in 2 hours." 7200 extra seconds of waiting. Oh, world, what is your stinking deal? So, the C-man (not to be confused with C-day or Aquaman) and I head off to loiter in marketsville, daddio.

         We head over to old man Sears' game department and check out the demos up. Though I own it and have beat it in full, I try my hand at Threads of Fate. Yeeha. The army of one that is Chad selectively services me (err, God, no. I wanted it to mean drafted.) to play a game of Mario Tennis. Who was he? Who was I? Chad and Josh, respectively, but I don't remember our chosen Mario Tennis characters. My memory tells me I won, but I'm not much one to trust that chap.

         Though it hadn't been 2 hours yet, we went back to the store to see if somebody had set up us the bomb. Sure enough, they had. I stole our copies of the game and hid some money in the cash register. Har har har, hardee har. BUT, we had a pressing engagement, thus Chrono Cross was still free to drill a hole in my head. Flash forward several waiting, but fun hours. Home. Home at last, home at last, thank Bill Cake almighty, home at last. Open it, stick it in PSX. Actual CT sequel, actually running now? Unreal.