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Fahrenheit 9/11

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Michael Moore documentary primarily about 9/11, the response, and the Bush administration.  This movie gets a lot of shit from two radically different sides.  One side says, "Oh, that movie has too many conspiracy theories." while the real conspiracy theorists say, "Why didn't he mention Conspiracies X/Y/Z?"  But that's not what the movie was about.  It wasn't about a conspiracy by neocons to destroy the WTC, or a further conspiracy to cause wars strictly for purposes of oil pipelines.  Were I to sum up the message of the movie, it would be:

George W. Bush and others in power took advantage of the situation after 9/11 to do things they wanted to do anyway, but couldn't as easily get away with before.  His many connections with businessmen from this country and the Middle East don't so much imply grand conspiracies as much as grand conflicts of interest.


IMDB profile

Wikipedia entry