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Farscape Season 4

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Farscape Season 3


I like the way Crichton hangs lampshades.  In this case the way those ugly guys were so clearly Klingon.

Is this the first episode with NO live action or voice Lani Tupu?

Title sequence feels so bare.  It was huge last season, but now there's no Stark, no Crais, and no new additions.  I was kind of hoping/expecting a promotion for junior Moya crew Jool.  Instead we hear nothing about her and they've picked up a whole different redhead to bicker with.



Lots going on in this two-parter.  First, Jool is back; but largely to be written off.  Since she's not being chased, she's free to stop traveling with crazy people in dangerous situations.  Then there's the weirdness of the "Previously seen on Farscape" bit including deleted scenes, making me wonder if I'd missed an episode.

Braca is promoted to Captain, and I wonder where they're taking his character.  Previously he seemed pretty straightforward and a loyal right-hand man to Scorpius.  Now that he's Scorpius's equal in rank but without the taint of failure, he's acting very differently.  Of course, part of this is due to Grayza's oily manipulations, so I don't know how much of his Scorpius bashing is real and how much is influenced.  There's also that one of the things he was taunting Scorpius about was how he lost so much over an obsession with one man... but now his new superior, Grayza, seems to be falling into the same trap.  What will he make of this?

Still no Pilot, Moya, or Aeryn.  The ooooold pilot and leviathan died, so now they're going around on D'Argo's Starbug until they can find Red Dwarf.

So evidence is found for a link to Earth--which would help explain the similarity between humans as Sebaceans, as well as the genetic compatibility with Jool's people.  And the evidence is some Egyptian writing?  Wormholes and ancient Egypt... where have I seen that before?

NEXT ONES September 21, September 23

So in season 2 Scorpius was the new Crais as antagonist.  In season 4 is Scorpius the new season 3 Crais, as renegade shipmate?  If he wasn't going to be around more permanently I don'tt think they'd have so quickly kille off Harvey.  Who I am sorry to see go; the in-head discussions have been a hoot.  Also a lost opportunity in that Scorpius and Harvey never got to directly confront each other, as highly divergent Scorpii.

Next 09-24

John Quixote 09-30

Wow, appearances by every actor who has ever been one of the regulars or near-regulars, plus the PK tech girl.  I thought they were going to cheap out on Zhaan since they had the big fat man Zhaan, but she did show in the end.  Good on them for saving her Special Guest credit until the end so as not to ruin the surprise.  Was her makeup a little different, or is it just that I've gone a season without seeing it?

This is about as close as Farscape gets to a crazy holodeck episode.  Well, okay, Star Trek holodeck episodes were never this crazy.  The twist of them thinking they were out of the game but still being in was visible from... I don't know, a "light cycle" away in Farscape unit terms?

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars