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Game Charting: Collected Comparisons

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GCN 2002 (Fam) vs PS3 2007 (MC), weekly

GCN 2002 (Fam) vs PS3 2007 (MC), cumulative

PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (Fam), adjusted for time of year, weekly

PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (Fam), adjusted for time of year, cumulative

PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (MC), adjusted for time of year, weekly

PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (MC), adjusted for time of year, cumulative

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (Fam), adjusted for time of year, weekly

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (Fam), adjusted for time of year, cumulative

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (MC), adjusted for time of year, weekly

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (MC), adjusted for time of year, cumulative

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (MC) vs PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (MC), first 52 weeks, weekly numbers

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (MC) vs PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (MC), first 52 weeks, running sum

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (Fam) vs PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (Fam), first 52 weeks, weekly numbers

GCN (Fam) vs Wii (Fam) vs PS2 (Fam) vs PS3 (Fam), first 52 weeks, running sum

GCN LTD vs Wii LTD, through one Wii year (Famitsu)

DS vs Wii vs PSP vs PS3, first 52 weeks, weekly numbers

DS vs Wii vs PSP vs PS3, first 52 weeks, running sum

Xbox vs X360, weekly, Famitsu

Xbox vs X360, weekly, Famitsu -- cropped to 50K and less

Xbox vs X360, LTD, Famitsu

PS2's early years vs Wii's 2007: late October through early January, weekly

PS2's early years vs Wii's 2007: late October through early January, cumulative

PS2's early years vs Wii's 2007, weekly

PS2's early years vs Wii's 2007, cumulative

GCN's early years vs PS3's 2007: late October through early January, weekly

GCN's early years vs PS3's 2007: late October through early January, cumulative

GBA's early years vs PSP's 2007: late October through early January, weekly

GBA's early years vs PSP's 2007: late October through early January, cumulative


Note that for these year-vs-year comparisons, 52 weeks is used.  This means that in the occasional year with 53 sales weeks counted, the last is getting cut off.  Imperfect, but hey.

Total hardware sales, 2003 vs 2004 vs 2005 vs 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009, weekly numbers, Media Create

Total hardware sales, 2003 vs 2004 vs 2005 vs 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009, running sum, Media Create

Total hardware sales, 2000 vs 2001 vs 2002 vs 2003 vs 2004 vs 2005 vs 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009, weekly numbers, Famitsu

Total hardware sales, 2000 vs 2001 vs 2002 vs 2003 vs 2004 vs 2005 vs 2006 vs 2007 vs 20008 vs 2009, running sum, Famitsu


Currently counted systems, past through 2010

Wii, weekly, 2006-2010, Media Create

Wii, YTD, 2006-2010, Media Create

Wii, weekly, 2006-2010, Famitsu

Wii, YTD, 2006-2010, Famitsu

DS hardware family, weekly, 2004-2010, Media Create

DS hardware family, YTD, 2004-2010, Media Create

DS hardware family, weekly, 2004-2010, Famitsu

DS hardware family, YTD, 2004-2010, Famitsu

PS2, weekly, 2003-2010, Media Create

PS2, YTD, 2003-2010, Media Create

PS2, weekly, 2000-2010, Famitsu

PS2, YTD, 2000-2010, Famitsu

PS3, weekly, 2006-2010, Media Create

PS3, YTD, 2006-2010, Media Create

PS3, weekly, 2006-2010, Famitsu

PS3, YTD, 2006-2010, Famitsu

PSP, weekly, 2004-2010, Media Create

PSP, YTD, 2004-2010, Media Create

PSP, weekly, 2004-2010, Famitsu

PSP, YTD, 2004-2010, Famitsu

X360, weekly, 2005-2010, Media Create

X360, YTD, 2005-2010, Media Create

X360, weekly, 2005-2010, Famitsu

X360, YTD, 2005-2010, Famitsu


Nintendo hardware sales, 2007 vs 2006 vs 2005 vs 2004 vs 2003, weekly numbers

Nintendo hardware sales, 2007 vs 2006 vs 2005 vs 2004 vs 2003, running sum

Sony hardware sales, 2007 vs 2006 vs 2005 vs 2004 vs 2003, weekly numbers

Sony hardware sales, 2007 vs 2006 vs 2005 vs 2004 vs 2003, running sum

Microsoft hardware sales, 2007 vs 2006 vs 2005 vs 2004 vs 2003, weekly numbers

Microsoft hardware sales, 2007 vs 2006 vs 2005 vs 2004 vs 2003, running sum

2007 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, weekly numbers

2007 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, running sum

2006 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, weekly numbers

2006 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, running sum

2005 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, weekly numbers

2005 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, running sum

2004 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, weekly numbers

2004 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, running sum

2003 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, weekly numbers

2003 hardware sales, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, running sum

Bandai 2006 vs 2005 vs 2004 vs 2003

DS+DSL 2006 vs Total 2006 vs Total 2005 vs Total 2004 vs Total 2003

DSL, GBASP, DS, PSP, GBM, "DS after DSL", and "GBA after GBASP" compared from their respective launches

PS3 hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, weekly, Famitsu

PS3 hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, cumulative, Famitsu

PS3 hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, weekly, Media Create

PS3 hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, cumulative, Media Create

Wii hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, weekly, Famitsu

Wii hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, cumulative, Famitsu

Wii hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, weekly, Media Create

Wii hardware sales, 2006 vs 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 vs 2010, cumulative, Media Create


Wii in terms of GCN, GBA, DS, PS2, PS3, and PSP

Wii in terms of GCN, GBA, DS, PS2, PS3, and PSP (All Famitsu)

X360 in terms of Xbox, GCN, PS3, and Wii (All Famitsu)

PS3 in terms of PS2, PSP, GCN, and Wii

PS3 in terms of PS2, PSP, GCN, and Wii (All Famitsu)

PSP in terms of PS2, DS, GBA, and GCN

PSP in terms of PS2, DS, GBA, and GCN (All Famitsu)

DS in terms of GBA, GCN, Wii, PSP, and PS2

DSi in terms of GBASP, GBM, and DSL (All Famitsu)


PS2 vs GCN, Famitsu

DS vs PSP, Media Create

X360 vs PS3, Media Create

PS3 vs Wii, Media Create

PSP vs Wii, Media Create



Wii games in Famitsu Top 10

PSP games in Famitsu Top 10 using a slightly different method by donny2112.  It starts the list off with the first week where any PSP software is listed, so if some system launched with no games in the Top 30 this method would be off.  Seems a pretty doubtful thing, though.

Famitsu Top 30 million-seller record

1+ million sellers

2+ million sellers

3+ million sellers

4+ million sellers

5+ million sellers


3D Mario platformers, first half year, weekly

3D Mario platformers, first half year, cumulative


There are more Wiis available than any near-launch home console ever.


PS2, 2000-2008, weekly, Famitsu, HD

Total sales by publisher/platform


PSP vs Wii since Wii's launch, MC


Link to release dates, plus number of releases per date