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Ideas and Thoughts: Donkey Kong Country All-Stars

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I think that as far as compilations go, this would be a great game. For one thing, the series was very popular on SNES, so it would probably be a great seller for N64 since it would include all 3, and then some.

Improving it for the N64 wouldn't be difficult at all, I believe. They could just use the same computer graphics they used for the original games, and have them re-rendered for use on the N64, and what you'd end up with is graphics like Yoshi's Story. I mean, not as pixelly and stuff.

Also, to save room on the cart, since many of the graphics on the separate games looked the same, and they played basically the same, most things such as barrels, Diddy/Dixie, etc. could be used for all games, instead of being on there once for each game. And as far as that goes, they could even put in a (maybe hidden?) option of using any of the 4 characters on any of the 3 games. Maybe play with Donkey and Kiddy Kong in DKC2, or something like that. It also wouldn't take much to improve the music quality, either. Just have basically the original musics, but made N64-quality. So what you end up with is basically one huge (HUNDREDS OF LEVELS), good-looking 2D side-scroller that already has a great reputation!

But wait, there's more! Not only would it include the SNES versions, but the GameBoy versions, too! You might wonder why, since they're based on the SNES versions, but that's just it. It would kind of be like just making each of them into one longer game. But then, that would be how the whole series would be, wouldn't it?

Now, you may ask, why make this game when many people already bought the originals? Well, many people didn't, such as myself. I'd like to play the games, but I'd be much more inclined to buy a compilation of them with improvements for the N64 than to get the SNES/GB versions separately. And even if the originals already did well, it didn't hurt Super Mario All-Stars, did it?