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Ideas and Thoughts: Microphone Pak

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First I wanna tell you that this writing is coming sooner than I was expecting. See, I had ideas for microphones already, but I wasn't expecting Nintendo to already be hinting towards a microphone, with statements about how you can talk to Pikachu, and how there's a pic of a microphone on screenshots. But anyways, here we go!

Well, as seems to be Nintendo's plans, voice commands/recognition. I hadn't really thought of this use much, but I just now had a thought... I don't know if this is likely, but... do you think that voice could be partially the replacement for a keyboard for the supposed Internet-using of the 64DD? No need to type ''</nowiki> to get to our site, you could put it in your favorites, and have it set so you could just say "Go to N64 Surge.", or just saying the URL... if it had problems with full words, you could always just spell it out... not as quick, but faster than just using the controller for putting in letters. It's bad enough just putting in initials for StarFox 64 and such...

Now my main thoughts were along the lines of voice-replacement. So for that 64DD NBA Hangtime TE, you could replace the quickly-repetitive announcer with your own version of the calls. Or download other peoples'. Or imagine a game like Bomberman, where you could save a few personalized death screams/profanities! :) This would work especially well with games that allow you to create your own player, so not only could you have them look the way you wanted, but sound that way, too. Imagine for Hangtime saving at least the name of your created player, instead of choosing one of the defaults. The only problem is that it really wouldn't fit well on the Controller Pak, so you'd have to keep it saved on your DD disk or something...

What would be used to change the sounds? Yeah, a game could have something built right in to record it for you, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like that was added to Mario Artist. So for your animations, you could have backgrounds, plenty of frames, nice music, AND voice. Not bad at all...

Well, if I have any more ideas on the subject, rest assured that I will supplement this, K?