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Ideas and Thoughts: Street Fighter 64

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Always looking out for the success of the N64, a Street Fighter game seems unavoidable. And why not? It's only the biggest (in fame & number of games) bunch of fighting games there is! So I've come up with a few ideas for Street Fighter games for the N64. Knowing how numerous the games are on any given system anyways, there's no reason both of these ideas couldn't work out, and both be great sellers, too. Oh, one last thing. Both of these would be fitting as cart-only games.

Street Fighter II Compilation. Or something like that. This is somewhat based upon the PSX/SS title "Super Street Fighter II Collection", which includes SSFII, SSFII Turbo, and SFA2 Gold. I was also thinking about how the SNES SFII Turbo was made. It was made so it had Champion Edition AND Turbo on it. But the only changes were colors of the characters, speed of game, and a couple of added moves for Turbo. How difficult would it be to do something like this for ALL the basic SFII games? For the most part, what they'd have to do is this. Make a great home version of SSFII Turbo. Then when someone would choose one of the earlier games, it would take out the necessary characters and moves, change the character selection screen, and things like that. So what would be done for plain old SFII would be to make the bosses not playable, take out the Super characters, remove some of each character's special moves, make less clothes colors available, and make it so in VS you couldn't play against the same person (at least without a trick or something). Again, I ask, how difficult could this be? And how would it sell? Imagine how they could advertise it! 5 SF games in one! :)

Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold Plus. Don't get bothered by the name, people. :) Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold was a Japan-only game, which is now included in the SSFII Collection. I'm not sure of the changes, but suffice it to say it's an improved version of SFA2. Now what do I mean by Plus? Well, SFA2 has already been out for the competing systems (even SNES!) for quite a while, so it'll need something else to help sell it. Well, the first thing would be to put in all the characters from the original SFA that weren't in part 2! The next thing would be an extra move or two for everyone. There could be other things as well, but those would be the main changes. Oh, just for the records, I originally envisioned this as Street Fighter Alpha Trilogy, but decided that Capcom wouldn't want to do that, at least not until a while after 3 is out, and it wouldn't be N64-exclusive even if. Also, that would be much less cart-feasible.

There are a few games that aren't out yet (at least not home) that could be good candidates. Street Fighter III and Street Fighter Alpha 3 come to mind, first. Also, while Street Fighter EX isn't coming to the N64, perhaps a sequel to it will.

I don't think the N64 needs to be bothered with as many SF games as the PSX/SS, though. I mean, we don't need a new one every few months. SFA and SFA2 came out only 8 or so months apart. Not to mention others like VS X-Men, VS Marvel Super Heroes, etc.

Oh, I was just thinking that maybe in a while there could be a Dark Starkers Trilogy, seeing as how part 3 isn't planned for N64, etc...