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Ideas and Thoughts: What is Josh's Ideas and Thoughts?

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Well, basically, it's my thoughts and ideas. :) How do I put it... well, I have lots of ideas, thoughts, etc. about games, future Nintendo doings, etc., and this is where I put 'em. Not all of them are great ideas, but even if only 1% are good ideas, I'm sure to have some great ones! :) Ever been to N64HQ? Well, this is kind of like a mix between their weekly editorials and game ideas sections. And then some.

Anyways, once I get some more up (I have lots in my head, but converting brain waves to HTML takes a bit of time) and you read them, you'll understand. I hope.

If you have a thought or idea, write it down! Once I get this set up more, I'm gonna put up other peoples. But just wait a bit, OK? I'm figuring we might as well just wait until we move from Geocities, since that'll likely be less than a month away. But things get delayed, as Nintendo showed when they said the 64DD would be out before Shoshinkai '96. :)

Joshua Slone

UPDATE-- We're now on SimpleNet, but not quite ready for other people's ideas, etc. yet. If you have some, go to our message boards for now, K?

December 12, 1997

You want to contribute an I/T?  Well, do one of these two things.  Either post it at the message board, or mail it to me.  If there's a title/background pic you want on it, inform me, and I'll try to set it up as you'd like.