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A comparison of top Wii and PS3 third party games in Japan.  Comparing first place to first place, second place to second place, and so on.


Famitsu gives a pie chart with how much of that week's software sales was taken by each system.  If we just look at the PS2 and Wii numbers we can get just a percent of how much each took of the PS2/Wii market, which is what's shown here.  This was shortly before the release of Super Mario Galaxy, which I guessed would be the tipping point where Wii would pretty consistently beat PS2.  That turned out to be the case, though you can't tell it here.


Using Dalthien's compiled total software data for Wii/PS3/X360, I split things up a bit.


Someone wondered how an early PS2 would've compared, so I added that in.  Probably through the same age as Wii was.


There was some sort of "tell incredible things about yourself" thread, and PantherLotus's stories of past happenings seemed worthy of the GTA font.


Talk of a deal being reached between Gran Turismo 5 and Top Gear (the show, not the game as I've pictured here) sounded a bit personified, so I represented them as persons shaking on an alliance.


A demonstration of Anicro Desapro using Gigglepoo's avatar.


I believe this was another demonstration of the difference in growth of userbase.  I took the first November-September US period for each of these consoles, and showed how much of the September LTD userbase was accounted for after each of those months.  X360 and Wii were pretty steadily similar, but PS3 was comparatively frontloaded with a slow mid-year period.