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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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{DAYSSINCEBIRTH(birth=1984-05-23,birthphrase=Theatrical Release)}{DAYSSINCEBIRTH}

  • BEYOND Nazi Christians
    • -I'm glad this movie exists, if only for broadening the franchise.  If one only knew of Raiders and Crusade, one could easily be left with a few key concepts to define the Indy universe: Beyond an introduction, the movies are primarily about competing with the Nazis for Christian artifacts, which actually do have power.  Thanks to Temple of Doom, though, Indy has been freed to get into shit with all sorts of groups.  Supernaturalism beyond the Judeo-Christian is also evidenced for the first time.
  • Tough day
    • -I've not tried to construct a calendar of events or anything, but it seems this movie contains Indy's shittiest single days yet.  Raiders and Crusade have plenty of action, but split into many unique days.  Temple of Doom has two main days.  There's the day from the introduction (nightclub battle, street chase, airplane crashing, raft skiing), though everyone does get a partial night's sleep on the plane.  Then there's the day from when they get to Pankot Palace through the end of their struggles, in which time he gets strangled, nearly crushed, whipped, beaten, nearly crushed again by a mine cart, and fought with after smashing against a cliff from a collapsed rope bridge.  I suppose one could argue he had another nap while convulsing after being given the magical/poisonous Kali juice, but that would be stupid.
  • WE.  ARE GOING.  TO DIE.  :(


Preceded by Raiders of the Lost Ark.  Followed by Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

IMDB entry

Wikipedia entry